Member Testimonials

Success Stories

Testimonials from Actual Members.

Kate from Nevada writes:

"In January of 2006 I was searching for an interactive weight graph tool, and discovered the website. I enjoyed using the free features for a couple of weeks, and then made the decision to become a member and check-out the remainder of the website. It was the best "dieting" decision that I have ever made. At that time my weight was at an all time high of 244 pounds. In November 2006 I reached my goals of weighing 144 pounds and being a size 8. I have been able to maintain that weight loss for over five months now. The website has been instrumental to my dieting success.

There are so many useful interactive tools available to members. I especially like and utilize the exercise and food databases. However, the best features available to "Deluxe Members" are the Message Board and the Diet Blogger. We have a wonderful community of members sharing their "dieting" experiences, and offering their support on the Message Board. You're never alone on your "diet" when you're a member of Start Your Diet! The Diet Blogger is an opportunity to document your successes, trials, and tribulations. You can share your blog with other members if you chose, or just keep it to yourself."

Leah from New York writes:

"As a 25 year old I should have been in the best shape of my life. However I was 40 pounds overweight and not feeling positive about myself. Despite having tried several times before to lose weight I never stuck with it and always ended up gaining the weight back. As my pants size went up my motivation went down. This year I decided to do something different. After a Google search I found and decided to try it out. That was three months ago and I couldn't be happier. I have stuck with the plan for two months longer than I ever have before. I still eat what I enjoy but the tracking tools make me so much more conscious of how it fits into my daily plan. Exercising has become fun so that I can track the results and watch my net calories decrease. Best of all the support on the message boards, blogs etc has really kept me going. I feel like I am not alone and others understand the journey I am on. They have given me the push to stay with this and make a positive change, for life. Three months after beginning my journey with start your diet I have lost almost 30 pounds. My pants no longer fit and my friends think I look great. I now run with my dogs instead of walking them around the block. My lifestyle has changed for the better and I couldn't be happier! I can't wait for summer so I can get out in my swimsuit and show everyone else that you can make a difference; the time is now just do it!"

Victoria from Connecticut writes:

"I decide to join after the weight I had lost on my own started to come back. I knew I needed more support and guidance than I was receiving, and I found both. The lifestyle change that I am undergoing has been long, and I know it is only the beginning. However, connecting with others via the blogs and message boards on a daily basis has helped change my mind as well as my eating habits. It is nice to know there are other people out there who care about your success!

Logging my food and water is simple, and I don't have to bring any books or charts or anything with me when I'm out all day. All I need to do is plan my menu from any computer! I know that I would not be on the track to health if I had not joined!"

Margaret from Arizona writes:

"When I decided to get serious about making healthy choices in my life, I started searching the Internet for help. There were many sites to tell you what to eat, and others to tell you how to exercise, but it wasn't until I found that I found a site that wouldn't restrict me, but guide me.

The tools at SYD let me plan my meals, and exercise based on my own needs, and not those of a prescribed, one-size-fits-all diet plan. The site offers guidance for setting my daily intake limits for calories, fat, carbs, protein, and fiber, as well as how much exercise I will need to meet my goals; goals that I can set based on me, not some "average" person.

It was important to me to be able to figure out a lifestyle change that I could truly live with the rest of my life, and has helped me do that. I can look up foods using the database provided, and even enter my favorite foods for easy reference. Daily tracking with calculations done for me takes away the hassle of counting everything myself and wondering if I got the math right. And at the end of the day, my Daily Recap helps me see my success.

I've lost 40 pounds, and having the right tools has really helped, but even more than that is the support I get from the other members. I started a blog on the site to vent my frustrations, never figuring anyone would actually read it. But, one day, after a particularly stressful time, I posted one sentence – "I give up." and went to bed. The next morning I had 3 emails in my inbox from fellow members telling me what an example I'd been to them and encouraging me to keep going! Having support from others who understand the struggle to live a healthy life is a tremendous gift.

The blogs are great to read for emotional support and to know you're not alone, and the message board helps the site feel like a community. Whether it's celebrating an achieved goal, or seeking help to get past a stumbling block, the message boards are filled by fellow members eager to share."