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Day 26 of 90 -- asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness

Cindy H.

There is no way to overcome your emotional eating or food addiction without some type of support. Why do you think diets fail? One of the biggest reasons is that people don't recognize how strong the need for help is.

We're lucky to have SYD! But if you need more ideas on asking for help Debbie says make a list of people you can call, or find a support group. LInda Spangle also has some excellent ideas on how to ask for help ... so check out the 100 days section of this site too!

  Karen Replied:

I'm so thankful for my SYD group, and several I can text or send a MSN messenger message to. Some days those two things have made the difference between success and failure. My husband is a good sounding board too.

  Sharon VA Replied:

I am grateful to have you all here to hear me out when I am feeling ragged. We do need support, and this is a great place to get it.

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  Anonymous Replied:

Yea, I couldn't have lost my weight without the support I got here!

  Mags Replied:

I have to also add my declaration of gratitude for the support I find here. There's no way I'd be where I'm at on this emotional journey without the support of everyone here.

I think we all have to find the tools and people we need to make this journey, and what works for one might not work for others -- the goal is to keep trying until we find what works.

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  Anonymous Replied:

since I realized I needed support and started to ask here, I am no longer afraid to go back to my bad paths.
it is really weird how perfect strangers may suddenly be somehow close as family...
thanks, everyone!

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.