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Day 1: I used to be that way... 10/12/09

49 minutes ago - Denise

Day 1: I used to be that way...

You are so determined to make this program work. This time, you really want to stay on your weight-loss plan and reach your goal. But deep inside, you may be afraid you haven't changed at all and that you'll quit your program long before the 100 days are up.

Perhaps a tiny voice is reminding you of your past failures with dieting. In the beginning, you're always very excited and motivated. But after a few weeks, your enthusiasm drops, and without meaning to, you slip up.

Maybe you sneak an extra candy bar or a bowl of ice cream at the end of a bad day. Then you reason that, since you've already blown it, you can go ahead and eat more. Soon you get discouraged with your behavior and eventually you quit your diet completely, just like you always do.

Change your thinking

Stop right there! Your past does not determine your future. In fact, your previous failures have absolutely no effect on your ability to succeed now. Starting today, eliminate the belief that things always go a certain way or that you never stay with your goals. Whenever those doubts creep back in, immediately give yourself this new message:

I used to be that way, but now I'm different!

This powerful statement completely ignores whatever you did before and instead, it promises you can change your outcome entirely. Rather than being fearful that you'll repeat the past, build a new way of thinking.

Make up a new ending

Because now you're different, you can do anything. You can even create different endings for your old negative patterns. Suppose you've been worried because you "always gain your weight back." Come up with a new statement that describes what you can do to prevent this.

For example, you might say, "I used to give up on a diet after a few weeks. But now, I pull out my journal every day and use writing to keep myself on track."

When doubts creep in, remind yourself that now you handle life differently. Go ahead and invent entirely new outcomes for your goals, then remind yourself often about your ideas. Over time, these patterns will become permanent, and your dream of success will actually come true.


Denise Replied (46 minutes ago):

I may not have lost a lot of weight since I started the SYD board but I think it's because I've talked a lot of the obstacles out of my head and received some valuable new thoughts instead. I used to be discouraged when I didn't see a weight loss but now that I have this access to some awesome support, I know that I will.

I used to think that this wasn't possible but now I know that with a little hard work and effort on my part and saying no to temptation more often that it is. How about y'all?

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  Anonymous Replied:

The biggest change for me with this lesson has been my failures (although I prefer to think of them as training experiences, lol)! When I used to slide/jump off the horse and eat way too much of something, I would automatically think I was 'done' and continue eating horribly until the next Monday or the next first day of the month. Now I usually stop after the first slip but always start fresh by the next day. Still a work in progress but so, so much better :o)

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  Anonymous Replied:

I definitely think, having been here a while, that you do "build a new way of thinking".
It doesn't happen overnight, but is a gradual thing, especially as you read through the 100 days, you start to see how things really can change direction.

  Shirley Replied:

I like that statement because it's a good mantra for me to counter the sometimes negative chatter I hear about my efforts and repeated failures at losing weight. I recently started going to a weight loss center and on my way out I said that I've been here so many times before---losing the weight and then gaining it back. Her response to me was "This time it will be different." And I'm beginning to believe it will. I'm already doing things differently...even the littlest things make such a difference over time. Thanks for Day 1!

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  Anonymous Replied:

>>even the littlest things make such a difference over time<<

VERY TRUE - don't diss the little things - they make big differences

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  Anonymous Replied:

first of all, I'm so happy to see "day 1." It feels so fresh. I am very excited... "Because you're different, you can do anything." yes, trying this one on for size.

  Karen Replied:

I have been through the book five times now. Every time I go through it, I learn new things about myself. If no one minds, now and then I will add my thoughts.

Here are mine on Day 1:
1. I used to settle for whatever clothes would drape over and cover my body, but now I look for clothes that fit through my shoulders and show I have a shape!

2. I used to go on all kinds of diets for a few days, lose some weight, and gain it back, but now I have learned that counting calories and logging my food are the way to go, and even after four years, I continue to work toward better health. I have learned NEVER to give up on this!

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  Anonymous Replied:

This time IS different. The tools and the community that we have here help me make this different. I am nearly always close to a computer, so if I need, I can come here and replenish.

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  Anonymous Replied:

I used to allow those around me to dictate my success when dieting, "honey it's okay have seconds" or "yeah I'll walk with you if you wait for me". NO MORE! If it's time for my walk then it's time, catch up or stay home. I can not have seconds, unless I've set it up with my plan that way. And heck I don't need seconds, if it takes good enough for more, then it'll make a heck of a lunch tomorrow.

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  Anonymous Replied:

Sorry all. I was AWOL from SYD this weekend. Which day did I get?

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  Anonymous Replied:

Angie, we decided it's first come first served - whoever gets there first and decides they want to post that day's lesson.
But make sure to post in the Linda Spangle 100 Days messageboard.

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  Anonymous Replied:

I am guessing with me being a west coaster you will all beat me but I will see what I can do!

  deb Replied:

Don't worry Angie - I'm a Midwestern gal and you beat me to the board!! LOL

I like the dialogue here....very good comments. I have to say that today I spent the entire day at a wholesale marketplace to buy gift items for our store....and I didn't have time for, on a break - I went to my car and ate a Kashi trail mix bar and drank some water. Previously, I would've gone into the cafeteria and gotten something really fattening!! SUCCESS on day 5!!

I agree that what we did "before" doesn't mean that's what we'll do this time. I have lost a significant amount of weight 2 times in my life, only to gain it all back....but this time I think (scratch that - I KNOW) I will do things differently. I know I will have slip-ups....bad days....heck - bad weeks - but I don't have to give up and chuck it all. Week One means re-thinking your old habits and building new ones. They say that it takes 21 days to break an old habit (or build a new one). My challenge for myself (and all of you) is to try for the 21 days...see what happens..and if I (we) screw up - just don't beat ourselves up over it - keep on pluggin' away!!

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  Anonymous Replied:

"Courage is the power to let go of the familiar". I have this quote on my refrigerator, I use it as a reminder to change my old ways since I want to reinvent myself. I want to look at this new adventure differently since my way hasn't worked in the past. I so appreciate all of your ideas and support.

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  Anonymous Replied:

The bottom line ( and in my case that is very apt!), is that to change our bodies we have to change our way of thinking and the best kindness we can show ourselves from the off, is to accept it takes time to change any familiar thought process, any engrained pattern of behaviour....but the fact that we may still do it, doesnt mean we have to keep doing it....we just need to keep trying to change and eventually the old habits will become less and less as the new habits come to the fore; hard work but the mind is just a tool and we can choose how we use it.....we can teach it new things over time......'over time' being the operative phrase.....patience and perseverence will win the day.......

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  Anonymous Replied:

I used to NOT take time for myself. Now … my life style changes are the priority.

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  Anonymous Replied:

We finally have a date: OMG its 2009, Not 4 yrs ago. Someone really messed that math up! so that means in 2008 they did #4 100day, that is not bad, they stayed on the subject and they really worked hard to lose weight. GREAT JOB PEOPLE who participated in these groups I applaud you for your efforts.

Day 1 of 100 days: I used to be that way... 10/12/09
17648 days ago - 10/12/09

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.