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The food pyramid was created for a reason (and not to torment you).

Shari (CE)

Day 49 of 90

"From the Emotional Eater's Book of Inspiration by Debbie Danowski, PHD"

You will not find cookies, chips and doughnuts on the food pyramid. That's because these foods are not nutritionally necessary.
Instead the food pyramid suggests eating nutritional food that will fuel your body for optimal performance. How close do you come to eating the fruits and vegetables amounts recommended on the food pyramid? If you say you don't like vegetables and fruits, have you tried them lately or are you going from childhood memories.

Today go to the grocery store and pick out 3 fruits and vegetables that you are willing to try. Then go to the spice aisle and select several spices / sauces that you can use in preparation. Try to stick to low fat sauces such as salsa, tomato sauce or mustard.

Now make the commitment to experiment with at least one new vegetable dish at dinner each day. You may choose to just steam them or eat them raw. You don't have to stick to vegetables; you can add fruits to your meals as well. You may find some things that you don't like but keep trying new things until you find something you do like. And remember that strawberry ice cream doesn't count as a fruit.

Have a great day!!!!

  Cindy H. Replied:

Hmmm. This makes a good point. We do get stuck in food ruts. I have done this with fruit, but not usually with veggies. I'm willing to try one new one this week.

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  Anonymous Replied:

I disagree with the traditional food pyramid. I prefer it with veggies and fruits at the bottom, I don't think grains are THAT fantastic for you. But I agree about trying more types of fruits and veggies. Will try that next time I'm shopping.

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  Anonymous Replied:

Kat, I agree with you. There is a vegetarian food pyramid that I follow, except while losing weight, I go easy on the grains. Mostly vegetables, some fruits, some legumes (beans and tofu etc), a touch of healthier oils, and a little barley, brown rice, quinoa once in a while. Like 1/2 cup. Otherwise, the calories and carbs go up and up.

  Cindy H. Replied:

I've been reading a book called Meal Patterning by Chris Johnson. Instead of a pyramid he has created a food target. Your goal is to eat as close to the center of the target as possible. It's a good visual tool.

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  Anonymous Replied:

My gastroentrologist said I should eat 3 fruit and 5 veg/day. There are some fantastic fruits and veg out there. If you're in the mood for something crunchy - there are loads of fresh fruit and veg options (not just carrots and celery). Fresh cucumbers, bell peppers (any color), crisp lettuces (like Iceburg & Romaine) are a few. ENJOY!

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