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Day 2--Interested or Committed?
This is a big day. It's a question that really needs to be pondered. Many are interested but few are truly committed to get healthy.
Everyone WANTS to lose weight. Everyone is INTERESTED in losing weight. If being INTERESTED would get us there, no one would be overweight. But it takes being COMMITTED to losing weight to stay with it and see long-term results.
Interest slips away quickly…you stay with your plans only until something better comes along (like tempting doughnuts). You depend on seeing results to keep you on target…as long as the scale keeps moving you stay motivated. If you hit a plateau, you may throw your program out the window.
When you struggle, you blame everyone but yourself. Committed means "no matter what!" When committed, you have an entirely different outlook. You stick with it, no matter what. You work to keep your motivation strong, knowing that results will follow. You stay on your diet regardless of having enough money, time or supportive friends. Strive for being committed. Adopt a "no matter what" attitude, then convince yourself you can stay with your goals regardless of daily challenges. Sometimes it is really hard. I have had times when I ate right and exercised and the scales did not budge for 10 days. It's at times like that when you have to have commitment. It's very frustrating and that old thinking like "well, if I am not gonna lose I might as well eat" come into play, when the truth is, if we stay the course, and are being diligent about portion control and exercise, results will follow.
Today --Decide that you will always be committed to your weight-loss plan, not just interested. --In your notebook, blog or here on the discussion board, describe how you will stick with your program, no matter what. --Do at least one thing today that demonstrates you are truly committed. (take a walk or eat your vegetables---NO MATTER WHAT!)
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Mary Replied:
I think this is the stroughest statement in the book. Committment has to come from the heart. You know you don't need donuts, or that piece of cake, or soda, or candy or whatever it may be that tempts you. Your body needs high quaility fuel and not junk. COMMIT to making the right choices and the results will come.
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Anonymous Replied:
when i dont feel like working out, i will do it any way
also i wont let lil slips get me down, i will chose to get right back up right then not "tomorrow" or next week" and start again
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Anonymous Replied:
I KNOW I am committed - when I woke up this morning with a headache I wanted to go back to bed but instead I got up, drank some water, ate a healthy breakfast and I plan to go for a nice long walk in a few minutes.Usually I feel sorry for myself when I have a headache and go back to bed or go find chocoate and eat it.
The statement "When you struggle, you blame everyone but yourself" is so true, many times in the past I would make excuses for not sticking to my plan but this time I am committed to eating healthy.
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Sharon VA Replied:
That part about struggle hit home with me too. Things got too busy at school, the weather was yucky, my husband/coworker/other driver got me upset, my allergies are acting up, you name it I have used it for an excuse. Today I decide to be committed to my weight-loss plan, not just interested. I will stick to my program no matter what. I will do this by planning and preparing meals and snacks so I do not get caught off guard. I will do this by taking each day's challenges one day at a time. Or like Lisa said in her blog, one pebble at a time. I will do this by drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily. I will do this by making healthy execise part of my routine, instead of being a chore that I avoid.
Today I will demonstrate that I am truly commited by preparing my meals for the weekend and the work week ahead. I will eat my planned meals, drink my water, and log in at least 6,000 steps.
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Amber Replied:
I AM COMMITTED! I stick to my diet like crazy (except when I was sick, I drank gingerale).
The only think I don't do is exercise, right now because of doc orders. But when I get released, I will work hard on getting committed to that! Plus I do farmwork, which to many is exercise. I probably walk a mile a day, plus muck out barns, and things like that. Even the doc can't keep me from that!
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Sharon VA Replied:
You should start wearing a pedometer Amber, I bet you are getting more than a mile every day!
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Anonymous Replied:
I have always been interested in becoming a skinner version of me. The commitment is the killer for me. I know in my mind this is a life long journey but I don't comprehend it because the reality is this isn't a quick fix and that scares me. I am telling myself that I am committed and I am going to overcome this. Today is a new day and this year is a start to my new life.
No Matter What Goals: ~Aim to eat healthier and proper portion sizes. ~Aim to get my body moving for some exercise. ~Don't give up no matter what. ~Become a better cook rather than wasting money eating out. Cooking is my hobby.
Today I told myself when I woke up that I was going to shop for this weeks meals that I am preparing at home. Although I am in pain with my body and had other thoughts on my mind, I went to the grocery store and shopped for the week. I am going to cook at home NO MATTER WHAT.
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Anonymous Replied:
For me I have always been interested in losing wt. I never took into account before the difference in being just interested vs. committed. Failure in the past resulted because of just being interested. Now its time to commit and stay there even when the road may get a little bumpy.
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Anonymous Replied:
--I will be committed to my weight-loss plan. --When preparing dinner, I will make a cup of my favorite tea to sip. This will keep me from other not-so-healthy choices of nibbles/drinks. --No matter what, I walked 40 minutes today.
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Anonymous Replied:
This definately hit home with me. I have always been intrested before - reading fitness magazines (magically hoping thin would happen through osmosis!) and dabbling in nutrition and exercise. I was the classic excuse maker - too busy, friends party, night out with the husband, etc. I know that being comitted is something entirely different - it's going to take hard work and sweat and tears. So, I am committing to my weight loss plan and my healthy changes. I have spent yesterday panning two weeks worth of meals and today I am cutting up all my healthy snacks and scheduling workout dates that I will stick to. By making exercise and good nutrition part of my daily plan and putting it on my to list it will get done! Then I will schedule another planning day on the weekend to plan the next two weeks worth of meals and prep time - so I am taking it two weeks at a time and am ready to see the results - not only on the scale but in how I feel and how my clothes will fit too. I can see myself as the healthy active person that I know is inside me! Today I will start my workout program early by doing my indoor walking video and will make a healthy dinner.
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Shari (CE) Replied:
I am committed to the new healthier ME!!!
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Gwen Replied:
I have decided to change my interest in dieting to focus! I will eat what is healthy no matter what, no matter how I feel or what is going on round about me. The excuses I have used in the past don't hold now that I am committed rather than just interested. I have to learn to stay committed when the scales don't budge because I am committed no matter what!
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Brenda Replied:
I've been committed ever since I joined SYD on August 12th, 2007. That commitment got me through to my goal weight on Aug 7th, 2008. Now I'm committed to keeping the weight off. I slacked off during December and found I gained 5lbs. It's coming back off before that 5 gained becomes 10 gained, then 15, 20...you get the picture. To stay committed I have to eat and exercise like I'm losing weight. I can treat myself only occasionally and only if it's special. Today I ate an apple for snacks instead of digging around to find something unhealthy. It tasted wonderful!
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Anonymous Replied:
I stayed committed today. I did the elliptical for 30 minutes and swam 15 minutes. I'm on plan with breakfast and lunch and drinking tons of water. My biggest fear is that I'm a teacher and right now we are on break. As soon as I go back to work my days are long and stressful so I really have to PLAN so that I stay on the committed track and don't slip. I am planning smaller snacks to bring so that I don't crash at 3PM and get tempted with something bad. I want to workout before going home otherwise I won't do it. Being committed to me is being prepared, I know I want this. The end goal is so important that it is worth the focus and time.
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Anonymous Replied:
I'm a teacher too and I came to the conclusion that I just have to plan ahead to eat/exercise regularly, otherwise all the planning and thinking goes into goals for the students and before you know it you're looking for the "quick fix" or serving extra to make up for the meals you've forgotten to eat during the day. I'm committed to taking good care of myself, being consistent and encouraging.
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Carter Replied:
Well, let's not beat around the bush, right? I've been interested, but not committed. Day 2, and I had two servings of sweet potato creme brulee. In my defense, they are very small portions, and I only made it with a third of the custard. It's mostly sweet potato. Look at me making excuses? When do we get to that topic of excuses?
I am going to be committed, not just interested, in living a healthy life style. Planning. That is key in my house, and I need to extend my planning to lunches and breakfast. Dinner planning has worked out really well. I need to do my exercising in the morning, because that's when I do best. If I wait until later in the day, the likelihood of changing my mind is higher with each passing minute. Today the one thing I'm going to do to show commitment is to not have more creme brulee tonight even though I know my husband is going to want more.
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Anonymous Replied:
I have been on break and basically not doing much but being here or working on my diet or exercise. When school starts I too struggle with skipping lunch and coming home ready to eat anything! I am going to not let that stop me. I will take a bag of apples to keep in my desk, my supplements to put in my coffee, containers of tuna that I can eat and buy the ready to eat bags of lettuce that comes in an 8 oz bag. That is not so hard!
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Anonymous Replied:
I am 100% commited! I will stick with my program no matter what. Rain of shine I will get my butt moving and when I feel tempted to make a poor eating choice I will take a look at my motivational picture of me at 150lbs and say to myself, "I am COMMITED" so I will refrain from making a poor decision.
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Anonymous Replied:
Being healthier feels so good, I never want to go back. I am commited to being healthy because most important, I am commited to MYSELF. I love me and I need to start taking better care of me. ^_^