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Day 2--Interested or Committed?
If you tend to start and stop every time you diet, you may want to look at the difference between being interested and being committed.
Interest slips away quickly…you stay with your plans only until something better comes along (like tempting doughnuts). You depend on seeing results to keep you on target…as long as the scale keeps moving you stay motivated. If you hit a plateau, you may throw your program out the window.
When you struggle, you blame everyone but yourself. Committed means "no matter what!"When committed, you have an entirely different outlook. You stick with it, no matter what. You work to keep your motivation strong, knowing that results will follow. You stay on your diet regardless of having enough money, time or supportive friends. Strive for being committed. Adopt a "no matter what" attitude, then convince yourself you can stay with your goals regardless of daily challenges.
Today --Decide that you will always be committed to your weight-loss plan, not just interested.--In your notebook, describe how you will stick with your program, no matter what.--Do at least one thing today that demonstrates you are truly committed. (take a walk or eat your vegetables---NO MATTER WHAT!)
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Anonymous Replied:
Thanks Karen.
I am totally committed to my healthy lifestyle plan. I am half way to my goal weight and even though I've had some roadblocks and detours along the way, I KNOW I can do this. I am so thankful that I found SYD the support and encouragement is wonderful.
I will stick to my program by setting small attainable goals for myself on a weekly basis and by logging & blogging regularly. I find I can lose weight easier if I keep track of my food intake.
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Anonymous Replied:
I feel committed to finally get to goal. I keep saying it now I have to do it. I will succeed. I have to learn to overpower those temptations and situations that I falter in my plan. If I overpower them I feel energized and not defeated. I will do it.
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Anonymous Replied:
Although sometimes I get off track, I keep changing bad habits for good ones. There for I am committed.
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Anonymous Replied:
I like the sentence "strive for being committed" -- it tells me I don't have to be perfect but I have to be honest with myself about whether or not I'm truly making the effort. Hey, slips happen (LIFE happens!) ~ but if committed, you'll be able to get back on track eventually. I also think that when you really commit to losing weight you have to come up with a strong, do-able plan. Is this something I can do every day for the rest of my life? Yes, once you hit your goal weight you can make adjustments but it is about making a new lifestyle for yourself and not just doing the 'quick fix'. I feel as if I'm on track now and I have to say a large part of that is the support of others here. I know I'm doing the work but all of you help lighten the load
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Sharon VA Replied:
Looking at my past and present roller coaster ride, I just don't know any more. Things get hectic and I just can't handle it. I dunno. I do so well and then I drift back off. Maybe I'm just not committed like I thought.
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Anonymous Replied:
Sharon, I feel the same way. I think I am commited since it makes me feel better, bu tI know I'm not. I need to work on my attitude!
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Anonymous Replied:
I feel totally committed and will continue to count my calories, log my food and exercise.
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Anonymous Replied:
I will quit using life as an excuse to not get healthy. Just because my hubby is home does not mean I should quit working out or start eating junk food. Just because I go out to dinner does not mean I can eat anything I want. So the weather is gloomy, I should still get up and do something for my health. Okay, it's the holidays, who said that holidays were a food free for all or a time to take a vacation from exercise?
I have days and certain occasions that I have planned ahead of time that I can be lenient on my diet and exercise. That does not mean I'm allowed to skip my exercise or pig out. I have already planned my short workouts for days when I don't have much time or don't feel much like a workout. I have planned small treats for myself on days when life is rough to help keep me going and stay on track. I will NOT be deprived and I will still be on my plan.
Life happens! There will always be reasons that I can find to not eat healthy and exercise. That is what got me to where I am now. I have to change my habits and my thinking or I'll still be the same weight or more in 20 years.
Now after all that, I know I will slip. I know there will be days that I don't feel committed. So for me, I will be proud of myself if I stay committed about 80% of the time. I am seeking progress, not perfection.
Some days I don't feel very committed to my hubby and I love him a lot more then food and definitely a 1000 times more then exercise. So why should my eating and exercise plan get more of a commitment then I give him?
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Anonymous Replied:
Day to day can fluctuate between being committed and being interested when Im on a weight loss plan. Lately though I've felt as long as I keep acknowledging my goal and track my calories it helps me fall more into the committed side. Today I plan to work out, even though I just feel like relaxing all day, working out will help me re-confirm my commitment.
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Brenda Replied:
We're you talking directly to me? Cuz I sure related to what you said. LOL! It feels good to be committed again. I got sidetracked during the holidays and lost ground and gained weight. Totally not what I wanted but it happened because I stopped being committed to myself and my goals. I know now what happens when I wander off the path...I get LOST! LOL...anyway...I'm back on track now and that's what counts.
Today as I was leaving town from a full afternoon of grocery shopping, I wanted so badly to stop at the ice cream place and get a shake for the drive home. It was a nice, warm day and it just sounded good to me. I told myself to drive on by but I didn't. But what I did do was order a banana, strawberry SMOOTHIE instead of a chocolate shake with Reese's PB cups chopped up in it. And it tasted wonderful! Bananas and strawberries blended up with ice cubes was just the treat I needed. Cool and refreshing and HEALTHY!
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Anonymous Replied:
Brenda that's great, you showed me that I can indulge in a sense and still be committed, it just a matter of making those right choices. Thanks and great job!
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Ladybug Replied:
I'm committed. When I get off track, I try to get back on track at the very next meal. No more of using the excuse that oh well I blew lunch so I can eat whatever for the rest of the day. No more waiting until "Monday" to get it back together. I've also stocked the kitchen with healthier food so the choices are easier.
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Anonymous Replied:
I'd like to look at this as not so black and white...I mean, maybe that's impossible, but I'm committed to staying on the road. Sometimes the road will be narrow, and sometimes it will be wider. So yes, I'm committed to a healthy lifestyle, acknowledging that some days, particularly weekends, the road will be wide enough for me to include foods/drinks that I do not have all week
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Anonymous Replied:
I have to agree with OrganicJenny, I am commited to my weight loss journey but my road has varying widths. Some days I give myself a wider girth than other days. Part of my "no matter what" attitude is that if I do mess up (which I have quite recently) I don't let it drag me down. I just treat each day as it comes and realize that even though I might mess up, its not the end of my program or commitment.
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Anonymous Replied:
I agree with Jess and Jenny, I like to see it as a road rather than a cage - to me the word commitment sounds like I'm tied up in ropes in a cage! You stay with something if it works for you, and this works for me, so I guess it is commitment, but I prefer to think of it as the open road, sometimes narrow, sometimes wide, and a sort of adventure. Guess I never stopped being a hippy ..lol
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seceretgarden (Susan) Replied:
I am committed to finding ways to keep me healthy. I am flexible because i know everyday will not be the same. Everthing i do is a babystep to healthy living for life. I move my body everyday. I am committed!
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Sharon VA Replied:
Wow. It is so great that this post got moved to the top. The first time I answered it I was in a bad slump. Now I have been able to readjust my focus, and I am in a much better place. I am committed to better health. I am committed to completing my 90 day program. I am committed to making healthy eating part of my routine. Daggone, that felt good.