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Day 7: I can do it !

My daughter is 9 months pregnant and has dilated 3 cm as of yesterday - so Grandpa and I might be heading to the hospital to await the newest arrival any time now So I thought I'd post Day 7 a little early

We've shared our first week reading Linda's inspirational messages. How do you feel right now? A bit excited, hopeful, scared? You probably feel some level of all of these. If you've struggled with your weight in the past, you may also be afraid you'll repeat your same old patterns.
Kick those thoughts away! Today, you are strong! You're invincible! And nothing can stop you! This time, you're going to do it!
Linda suggests we replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Here are a few ideas she suggests:

1. I'm totally determined.

2. I've done it before and I can do it again.

3. I'm using a great weight-loss plan.

4. I'm capable of accomplishing anything.

5. Others have done it and so can I!

Inspire yourself

Read inspiring stories of people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off. We have a few testimonials written by a few of our friends we've met here on SYD. Let these people inspire you and help keep you motivated to stick with your efforts. Tell yourself, "If they can do it, so can I."
Practice saying the words "I can do it!" over and over. Write them on sticky notes, and then post them on your mirror, your computer screen, and your car dash. Read them many times a day, maybe even 100 times. Push them deep into your mind and use them as a powerful affirmation that you will succeed with your plan.
Invent several phrases that reinforce your determination to stay on your plan for at least 100 days. I can do this because ……

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  Anonymous Replied:

I can do this because:

1. I'm totally determined.
2. Others on SYD help to motivate me
3. I love to exercise now
4. I'm committed
5. I'm worth it !!

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  Anonymous Replied:

I have drop 20 lbs and kept it off;
I have done it
I will keep doing it

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  Anonymous Replied:

First off (and most important), congratulations on the coming grandchild, Jeanette! You must be so excited!

I can do this because: I'm being honest with myself and tracking what I'm doing, I'm doing this for me, I'm stronger than I've ever been and I have a great support system in place (with me and here at SYD).

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  Anonymous Replied:

Thanks for the inspiration and congrats on your new grandchild This is the first time I have every joined a 'group' system before. Historically my weight has been very eratic +/- 10Ibs at least once or twice a year! I get really motivated and exerice all the time to reach a goal. Then once the goal is achieved.....all bets are off and I return to my bad habits of snacking on unhealthy things and having large portions (particularly at dinner). Although I was skeptical at first in joining SYD (and my husband even more so) I am sooooo happy that I did because it keeps me honest with myself about how I am doing and what I am eating etc. It really helps to maintain the focus. After I gained the weight I found I didnt want to go out as much, or go swimming with my children coz I was embarrased by my size......I owe it to myself but also my children to feel good about me and enjoy life to the fullest!! Not to 'hide away' coz none of my clothes fit me or I look terrible in a swimsuit! Life is too too short!!

  Brenda Replied:

1- I've done it before, I can do it again.
2- I will make it stick this time.
3- I will learn from past mistakes.
4- No means NO!
5- I know how to do this!
6- I am strong!

Great job Jeanette...and praying for a happy, healthy new grandbaby. Hope all goes well with your daughter.

  Karen Replied:

1. I'm still totally determined to get there. Failure is NOT an option. My road may be scenic, but if you stay on the path 90% of the time, I will get there.
2. I've done it before and I can do it again. Time after time, I may fall away a little bit on the trips, but I know I CAN and WILL do this.
3. I'm using a great weight-loss plan. I was really aware this week that counting calories, keeping an eye on sodium, carbs, etc. is what works best for me. A lady on the team was doing Physicians' weight loss and she was MISERABLE on the trip. She can only eat 25 carbs a DAY...I cannot live with a limit like that. I choose something that I can live with.
4. I'm capable of accomplishing anything. I am not sure this has soaked in yet. I have been capable of losing over 100 pounds. I saw Ron on BL last night do that marathon as bad as his leg was. I need to get to that mindset.
5. Others have done it and so can I! Many have done it. I intend to join their ranks.

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  Anonymous Replied:

Congrats Jeannette, I hope it all goes well

1. I'm totally determined... TO DO MY BEST, but I won't be jumping off the nearest bridge if I fall off the wagon for little while.

2. I've done it before and I can do it again...definitely.

3. I'm using a great weight-loss plan...for sure!

4. I'm capable of accomplishing anything ??? No I'm not. That's just silly. No one is. But I can do this.

5. Others have done it and so can I :
yes it's definitely inspiring to hear others' success stories and also the "fall off but get up again and carry on" stories - they help keep me going

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  Anonymous Replied:

1. I am worth it!
2. Don't let the wake drive the boat: every moment is an opportunity for change in thoughts and actions
3. Live the life I've imagined!
4. I choose to respond NOT react!

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  Anonymous Replied:

1. I'm totally determined.- my weight loss is going slower than I had planned BUT I am determined to reach my goal weight by the end of this year!

2. I've done it before and I can do it again - I have lost 45 lbbs since October 31, 2009

3. I'm using a great weight-loss plan. - I LOVE the plan I am using

4. I'm capable of accomplishing anything.- for sure!

5. Others have done it and so can I!- I am totally inspired by the people here, they have taught me so much and there efforts are impressive.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.