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One Day At A Time Wednesday 11/21/18

Jeanne- CE!

Wow, Wonderful Wellness Warriors, Wellness Wednesday alweady! How is yours shaping up?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, head to the Garymama's in San Antonio after I get my act together, keep connected with a focus on Presence and Peace.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Today I will eat be setting up tables & chairs and staging the house for Thanksgiving. We are now expecting 37 and we use real dishes so I need to run them all through the dishwasher since they only get used once a year. Used once, washed twice. LOL I will eat as closed to the earth as possible and reintroduce myself to my yoga mat as we have been apart for a while now. It is going to be a great day!

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