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One Day At A Time Saturday 12/15/18

Jeanne- CE!

Heey Beautiful! What's merry and bright in your world, on this one day?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, and am super excited! Today my little Mobile Music Ministry group of six will be presenting two holiday outreach shows of instrumental and vocal music, at 11:00 and 3:00. Beyond that, I will enjoy my home, and get ordinary things, holiday things, and wellness things done however they present themselves today. I will listen, shine Light, and show Love.

  FastK Replied:

Hope your shows goes very well Jeanne!!

Today is simple and easy here. Rainy still but improving. Omgoodness I need sun, nice warm hot pretty sun shining, can't wait for it to come again, this gray weather is driving me batty
Hanging out with my daughter today and doing small things. Nothing pressing today. Will be a great day to relax some.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Enjoy your show Jeanne!
Enjoy your daughter FastK!
Rainy here too. I am spending the day with my husband, doing Christmas shopping and going out to eat and just hanging out together. It is going to be a wonderful day!

  Diane Replied:

Today I am taking Megan to the library to make Gingerbread houses. I plan on eating on plan, getting in 10,000 steps and doing my ab exercises. I am working on getting things done in the house and not stressing over things I can't get to today.

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