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What are your wellness "losses" and wins?

Jeanne- CE!

Wellness loss: I got a new scale that weighs me heavier than my old one- I am just going to run with it and post what it says, knowing that it's just a tool, and it's all relative.

Wellness win: I had my annual gyn appointment last week, and they do not know me there, since I have only been coming in once a year. When the doctor came in, he was leafing through the papers in my folder, and finally he looked at me and said, "How old are you?" When I told him, he was astounded, as he thought he had been given the wrong chart. He thought that I looked 15+ years younger than my age- I am 60 and he thought that I looked to be in my early 40s! Honestly, I think I look my age, but I'll take it!

Don't be shy! Share a frustration about your jpurney (wellness loss) and something positive (wellness win). We tend to sell ourselves short (I know I do) so let's support each other whether it be good, bad, or ugly!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I had the same situation last time I got a new scale. But that's pretty a pretty awesome thing that happened at your appointment!

Wellness loss: I finally woke up to a nice loss only to go out of town for the weekend and try my hardest to come home with a loss but instead came home to a 2.8 gain.

Wellness win: I think I am getting my groove back. Feeling much better than I have for a while now.

  FastK Replied:

Jeanne, scales stink and always will
Wonderful compliment!!

Lyn, sorry on that gain but it shall pass and leave, happy you are feeling much better now!

My wellness loss and gain are connected.

I had to fight very very very hard not to eat on my fasting day. I struggled......but.....wellness win was I never caved on my fast. I made it thru! Happy for myself because I stayed strong and committed to my desired action for the day.

  Gwen Replied:

Wellness loss - relosing the same pounds over and over. Why do I keep doing it to myself?

Wellness win - I do not crave what i used to eat, unless I eat some of it and the cravings are back in a second! Hunger is under control and that is thrilling!

  Diane Replied:

Wellness loss - Not seeing the scale reward my better eating patterns.

Wellness win - I am writing on my calendar my days I have been doing my exercise dvd and I have not missed a day b/c I want all my days filled in....

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