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I accidentally deleted the previous post. I am still looking for advice as to what you all do when you don't see a weight change for a while, even though you are doing all the right things. I have lost 23 pounds since the middle of January and am still dropping but the rate is at about 1/2 pound per week and I'd like to boost that to 1 pound if possible. I am maintaining my calorie intake, although I could probably tweak my food choices a little. I am also following a walking program for an average of 45 minutes 6 days a week. I would like to add some weights but am having some shoulder and hip discomfort so am trying to be cautious not to overdo. My goal is another 60 pounds which would put me at the high end of my optimum weight for my height and age.
I'm not discouraged just thought you all might have some great suggestions!
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Lyn Replied:
Sometimes, when I am doing everything right and am stuck in a plateau I actually up my calories for a day and that usually switches things up and things start moving again. I know it seems counterintuitive but it works for lots of people. Also, vary your exercise, switch it up a bit because your body's job is to figure out the way to work in the most efficient way possible so as it gets used to your routine you will burn less calories doing it. Keep it guessing with both calories and movement!
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Cedric Replied:
Plateaus are normal, and you said you're still losing weight. A possibility is that you were shedding "water pounds" from glycogen, and are now shedding "fat pounds". When you begin a diet, particularly one that avoids sugar and simple carbohydrates, you primarily use up the glycogen in your muscles and liver (btw, search on "non alcoholic liver disease" for the long term effects of diet on the liver). The glycogen is bound to water, so, as you use up your glycogen, you start shedding water as well. As your body starts relying upon fat for energy, you lose less weight because fat is a more efficient way of storing energy. That is, a kcal of fat weighs less than a kcal of glycogen and water.
That's just a possibility, though. If it's time for a physical, go see your doctor and have him or her measure your body fat. That's a more accurate measurement of obesity than BMI, which does not distinguish between weight from water and glycogen, versus actual fat. Also, your doctor will run various lab tests (eg. triglycerides, cholesterol, etc.) for your health.
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Cedric Replied:
Well, it's fun to read!
Post your fruit diet or links to where I can read more sometime. I'd like to know more about this diet!
The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of StartYourDiet.com. Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.