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ODAT Sunday April 22, 2018

Jeanne- CE!

Happy EARTHday, Precious Ones! What have you got goin' on, just for today?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, get packed up for our return home, visit a local church here in Santa Fe, roam the area some more, return joyfully to my home and the loved ones within.

  Lyn Replied:

Happy earth day everyone! I love earth day! Unfortunately, it is raining here so no garden time for me but luckily I did quite a bit of planting yesterday so my veggies are getting all this rainwater...I guess that's what earth day is all about! Today I will do whatever strikes my fancy, no plans, no obligations, I can just be. It is going to be a great day!

  Lyn Replied:

When you type a reply there is a place right under the text box that says Upload Image. On my computer I just have to drag a picture onto where it says Choose File and that is it. I'm on a mac, not sure if it is different for a pc.

  Lyn Replied:

It's there, it's under the reply box, when you type a response (like I am doing now) under all the emoji options, the next line is Upload Image with a box next to it that says Choose File. I'm just not sure if you can drag a pic to it or if you have to click Choose File and then choose your pic from there.

  Lyn Replied:


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