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ODAT Monday April 23, 2018

Jeanne- CE!

Monday, Monday is upon us once again, Wellness Winners! What will make this one day a great one?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, express gratitude, joyfully walk a narrower stretch of the wellness road, do what I can within the day's events, enjoy being home and going on a date with Gary.

  Lyn Replied:

A little under the weather today so I will be laying low, resting, and not turning to food for comfort. LOL It is going to be a great day!

  kc Replied:

This Wellness Warrior is ready to be a Winner! Meals ready to go and a gallon of water in my classroom refrigerator.

Race you to the finish line! Let's do it.

  Angela Replied:

6 miles outside! that feels so good!!! Spring is finally here!

  Cedric Replied:

Weighed self at the YMCA. Down 8-10 ten pounds in a week (Atkins 20)! Found a low carb tortilla recipe for a friend. Wish her luck!

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