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Prehistoric times for Food Consumption:


2.5-1.8 myr ago: fire
2 myr ago: fruits, nuts and berries to begin the consumption of meat.
250,000 years ago: Hearths: invention of cooking.
40,000 years ago: fish consumption: freshwater fish.
30,000 years ago: flour; unleavened bread,
25,000 years ago: The fish-gorge, a kind of fish hook.
13,000 BCE: rice
11,500 - 6200 BCE: Indica and Japonica rice
8,200-13,500 years ago :wild rice Oryza rufipogon.

These are the First Meals on Earth Created by
MANKIND: Fish hunting- Oldest Known Hearth Found in Israel Cave 300,000 years ago Man created it for Women to make Bread.
WOMENKIND: Fruit, Berries, Nuts, Rice Flour-Grains (Bread).

Fresh figs and seeds
~9300 BCE: Figs
~8000 BCE: Squash
8000-5000 BCE: banana
8000-5000 BCE: potato
8th millennium BCE: Wild olives
~7000 BCE: Cereal (grain)
~7000 BCE: rice and millet,
~7000 BCE: Maize-like plants, wild teosinte,
~7000 BCE: fermented drinks
~7000 BCE: Sheep,
6570-4530 BCE: rice
6140-4550 BCE: fish
~6000 BCE: Grapes
~5500 BCE: Cheese
~5000 BCE: Cattle
~5000 BCE: Maize
~5000 BCE: Beans
~5000 BCE: Potato tubers

4000-1 BCE Ripening olives, leavened bread
4500-3500 BCE: olive domestication and olive oil extraction
~4000 BCE: Watermelon,
~4000 BCE: Dairy
4000 BCE: Citron seeds
~3900 BCE: barley via bread
~3500 BCE: carp
~3500-3000 sheep
~3000 BCE: Palm oil
~3000 BCE:
~3000 BCE: Sunflowers
~3000 BCE: potato
~3000 BCE: Watermelons; seeds and leaves
~3000 BCE cheese
~2500 BCE: Domestic pigs,
2500-1500 BCE: potato
2000-1500 BCE: Rice
~2000 BCE: cheese
~1900 BCE: cheese
~1900 BCE: chocolate drinks
~1500 BCE: Rice
~1100 BCE: Flat (unleavened) bread called ta
~1000 BCE: Rice
~1000 BCE: cucumbers
5th century BCE: Garum or liquamen, the Roman fish sauce - Coquinaria
327-324 BCE: rice wine
~300 BCE: Citronn (Citrus medica) is a large fragrant citrus fruit with a thick rind
8th century sushi,
8th century: Roquefort
9th century: cucumbers
~800: Cod
~800: watermelon
822: hops
879: cheese
961: Watermelons,
997: "pizza"

1000-1500 Bog butter
11th-14th century: butter bog butter.
12th century: Oldest butter
~1100: Wafers cake-like,
~1100: Watermelons
1158: watermelons
1170: Cheddar cheese
14th century: cucumbers
15th century: cod
~1450: palm oil
1494: cucumbers
15th-16th century: Rice
16th century
1516: hops and barley-malt.
1535: potato.
~1550: cucumbers
~1570: potato
1573: Potatoes
1576: Watermelons
1578: potatoes
1583-1613: potato and maize
1585: chocolate
1590: Chuño is a freeze-dried potato
1596: potato
17th century: Watermelon
16th century-17th century: Cucumber, along with maize, beans, squash, pumpkins, and gourds

17th century
17th century: Sparkling fermented fruit
~1600: biscuits
1605: puff pastry, made by placing butter between sheets of rolled dough.
1605: rolled wafers.
1609: rice
1625: Watermelons
1629: watermelons
~1650: Watermelons
1650-1765: potato
1651: potatoes
1662: potatoes
18th century: Soufflé
18th century: Pizza
Early 1700s: potatoes
~1700: Sparkling drinks
1719: Potatoes
1740: potatoes,
1760: Egg nog
1767: Soda Water
1770: Potato
1772: potato
1774-1779: ice cream
1778: watermelons
1794: Potatoes
19th century
Early 1800s: palm oil.
1800s: New potato
1801: water crackers,
1802 dried milk
1810: Canned Food; discovered that heating food kills off bacteria and prevents illness.
1835: Baking powder
1837: Soufflé potatoes
1841: vanilla
1843: ice cream.
1845-1852: Potato
1867: hot dog
1869: butter beef suet rather than vegetable oils
1886: margarine.
1892: rice
20th century
1885-1904: hamburger.
1905: bacteria, natural yogurt.
1920s: French fries
1948: Restaurant
1948: margarine
1950: Fast Food Dinners.
1953: TV dinners
1958: instant noodle
1960: potato cutter
I wanted to show you the History of Food, now Take a look at the foods you eat today! and if you look back in time you will see that the history of foods are Fruit, Nuts, Plants for MEAT!

  Cedric Replied:

Good job!

fwiw, A not-to-serious theory of mine (which is mine) is that simple sugars cause us to become hungry because of fruit! Before agricultural, fruit was seasonal so those mammals who ate as much as they could while it was around had an evolutionary advantage over those who did not. Simple carbohydrates cause us to become hungrier more often than we should, so encourage us to eat -- and, if we eat simple carbohydrates, we again become hungry.

A panel about diets suggested that diets that restrict calories encourage longevity from an evolutionary standpoint. They theorized that, in times of little food, it was in the species best interests to not procreate (more mouths to feed) and live longer until more food was hopefully available. But, in times of plenty, it was the species' best interests to procreate -- and not live longer than necessary for the next generation to grow up.

So the American Diet is fine if you want grandkids. Not so good if you want to grow old enough to see 'em!

  Rjaatt Replied:

You mean "Man Made Sugars": Simple sugars are present in both natural and processed foods. Natural foods that contain simple sugars include fruits, vegetables and milk products. The simple sugars found in these foods include [fructose, galactose, lactose and maltose].

This does not happen with RAW SUGAR, and Fruits! They are Fulling and you can pretty much eat as much as you want. I understand what your saying 100% and I Agree about Life and Grand-kids.

Not Once have I ever eaten a orange and then thought of eating candy. NEVER! When I eat a Grapefruit, I am happy, I never think of cookies or sweets. I am Satisfied. I eat types of fruit a day. Orange, Grapefruit, Berries. I am Happy! One for Breakfast and then 2 snacks.

Carbohydrates Foods:
Dairy. Milk, yogurt, and ice cream. ----------------------------Don't Touch! (Buttermilk/Goats/Skim)Yes!
Fruit. Whole fruit and fruit juice. --------------------------------Eat Every Day!
Grains. Flat-Bread, real- rice, crackers, and Oatmeal.---Eat Every Day!
Legumes. Beans and other plant-based proteins.----------Eat Every Day!
Starchy Vegetables. Potatoes and corn-----------------------Eat Every Day! Sweet Potatoes.
Sugary Sweets. Limit these!-------BAD!-----------------------NEVER DO I TOUGH THEM!

Humans were not meant to eat HIGH CALORIES, They were lucky to get a Flat Bread and Water,
Open Range was Plants, Fruit, and Nuts, Roots, and they could eat all they could find or carry or just sit next to the tree and Eat until they were full and Happy!

When I eat Fruit I have it with Other MEALS! Like Oatmeal it is filling, and I add Berries on the side.
When I eat Fruit I have it with Snack with a Salad and green olives and blue cheese.
When I eat Fruit I have it with Lunch with Soup, flatbread, Veggies and a Fruit Orange.
When I eat Fruit I have it with Snack with Salami and cheese and a Grapefruit.
Each Meal I have 3 glasses of Water now! Its taken time to work into that. But I am losing FAT!

Next week I will have" Fruit Soups" and "Cabbage Soups" along with a "Protein Shake" to substitute one of my pm-snack. Remember I really only eat 300 calories a day with the protein it most likely will be 500 to 700 calories a day. Well See! When you eat fruits and Veggies, Grains it does not add up to high calories but you get so much food that your full.

  Rjaatt Replied:

A boar is an uncastrated male domestic pig, but it also means a wild pig of any gender. A hog often means a domestic pig that weighs more than 120 lbs. (54 kilograms). Pigs are also called swine. Pigs were among the first animals to be domesticated, about 6,000 years ago in China

a wild boar is the kind that lives out in nature. Technically speaking, they're all of the species Sus scrofa and are biologically very similar. They have not changed or Evolved in 8000yrs. Virginia opossum Has not Evolved in 6000yrs.

Here are seven fruits and vegetables as they look today and a peek at what they looked like many 8000 years ago.

((60000 BC)) have happened along coasts of southern Asia. Neanderthal interaction with Cro-Magnons People wore clothes made out of wool from the sheep, and they drank milk from the sheep and ate its cheese and its meat (lamb is the meat of baby ...This is one of the first Fire Meals. This is the Evolved MANKIND!. ... The history of the domesticated sheep goes back to between 11000 and 9000 BC, they started hunting wild sheep with flint-tipped wooden spears and bows and arrows. Next was Bores (PIGS). Understand we humans got smart from eating (Sheep, Lamb and Pigs). Later we started to Fish!...

  Rjaatt Replied:

Store List for 4/28-5/4
Dried Fruits in Ancient times. ... In ancient times, the sun and wind would have naturally dried foods. Evidence shows that Middle East and oriental cultures actively dried foods in the hot sun as early as 12,000 B.C. The Romans were particularly fond of any dried fruit they could make.

Soups asked for Dried Fruits "Not Fresh", or "Frozen". I choose Dried to create my Fruit Soups
and Cabbage Soup. All placed in "Mason Jars" For the Entire Week, I live simple an I eat simple.

Great Value Sweetened Dried Cranberries, 6 oz
Great Value Sweetened Dried Pineapple, 6 oz
Great Value Dried Mission Figs, 7 oz
Great Value Pitted Dried Prunes, 9 oz
Great Value Sweetened Dried Cherries, 5 oz
Great Value Dried Apricots, 6 oz
Sunsweet Dates, Dried Fruit Pack, 6 Ct
Great Value Dried Blueberries, 3.5 oz
These items below are to be FRESH!
2# sweet potatoes,
3# apples,
1# onion yellow
3# lemon,
3# lime,
snipped mint,
white beans can #2 of them
sour cream, great value
3# baked potatoes
6 large green onions
2 yellow bell peppers
2 green tomatoes
bunch carrots mixed colors
1 bunch celery
1 cabbage Green
3 medium zucchini
1 Yellow Squash
Great Value Shredded Colby & Monterey Jack Cheese, 32 oz
Lettuce #2
Green olives

  Rjaatt Replied:

Fact: While it's generally thought of as a vegetable, eggplant is actually a fruit. The eggplant, aubergine, melongene, brinjal or guinea squash is a plant of the family Solanaceae. Eggplant is grown for its usually egg-shaped fleshy fruit and is eaten as a cooked vegetable. Some even consider it a berry.
17th centuries. In the Renaissance the nomenclature became schizophrenic and eggplants were referred to both as mala insana (mad apple), the origin of the Italian melanzana and the Greek melitzane, and poma amoris (love apple), a name shared with tomato during the 16th century.
16th century treatise about medicinal herbs, mentions the existence of fruits with various colors (white, yellow, azure, and purple) but adds that eggplant fruits were not regarded by the Chinese as being free from deleterious properties such as the induction of digestive troubles and uterus injury.
dental diseases, cause of many harmful external and internal effects, as diverse as pimples, ophthalmia, ulcers, impetigo, leprosy, elephantiasis, intestinal constriction and blockage, blood thickening and blackening, insomnia, epilepsy, and excess of black bile.

Eating eggplants. The English herbalist Gerard(e) (1597) equivocated: "in Egypt and Barbarie, they use to eate the fruite of Mala insana boiled or rosted under ashes with oile, vinegar, and pepper, as people use to eaten Mushroms.

  Rjaatt Replied:

APICIUS COOKERY AND DINING IN IMPERIAL ROME: "The practical value of many of
Things There is Newnesse.' Ancient bakery and flour mill of the year A.D. 79. Grain grinders and The ovens are made of clay bricks deep rooted inside for over 20 breads or round breads to be made.
You may recognize the true lines of an ancient meals;
WINE DIPPERS in Pompeii. Centuries of charming goat herds, wheat kernels, oil jugs, figs preserved in jars, the lentils, the barley, the spices, steaks of sacrificial meat.

Tiberius [42 B.C.-37 A.D.] Cheesecake called Apician, city of Campania, eating very expensive crawfish, even to the crabs of Alexandria. Hearing, too, fresh oysters, cheese, primitive nuts, broth, sauce, stock, gravy, drippings, even for court bouillon--Apicius prescribes liquamen for the preparation of a meat or a vegetable, anchovy sauce is the purée of a small fish, named garus, "essence from putrified intestines of fish." oil of the liver of cod, (sea-eel),

Our anchovy sauce is used freely to season fish, to mix with butter, to be made into solid anchovy or fish paste. There are sardine pastes, lobster pastes, fish forcemeats. veal was covered with a nice fat herring.

Veal cutlet, turned in milk and flour, eggs and bread crumbs, fried, covered with fried eggs, garnished with anchovies or bits of herring, red beets, capers, and lemon. Clam chowder,

Muria is salt water, brine, yet it may stand for a fluid in which fish or meat, fruits or vegetables have been pickled. Worcestershire, catsup, chili, chutney, walnut catsup,

What of our turkey, oyster dressing? Of our broiled fish and bacon?

Sausage from Epirus, cherries from the Pontus, oysters from England, roast or boiled dishes, Chicken or mutton, beef or venison, finnan haddie or brook trout, eggs or oysters thus "sauced," salt and pepper, paprika, cayenne, daubing them with mustards.

Tartar sauce. Take liquamen, pepper, cayenne, eggs, lemon, olive oil, vinegar, white wine, anchovies, onion, s, tarragon, pickled cucumbers, parsley, chervil, hard-boiled eggs, capers, green peppers, mustard, chop, mix well, and serve.

Fruit salad with mayonnaise mousseuse. Take bananas, oranges, cherries, flavored with bitter almonds, fresh pineapple, lettuce, fresh peaches, plums, figs, grapes, apples, nuts, cream cheese, olive oil, eggs, white wine, vinegar, cayenne, lemon, salt, white pepper, dry mustard, tarragon, rich sour cream, chop, mix, whip well.

vegetable dishes (cabbage and asparagus). The use of livers, particularly fish liver, If diabetics, "unnatural union of sugar and meats".

lamb and mint sauce, steak and catsup, mutton and currant jelly, pork and apples (in various forms), oyster cocktail, poultry and compôte, goose with apple and raisin dressing, venison and Cumberland sauce, mince pie, plum pudding.

Veal for chicken, pork for partridge, "Mock Turtle Soup," Mouton à la Chasseur, mutton prepared to taste like venison, "chicken" salad made of veal or of rabbit? Trimalchio's culinary artists are reputed to have made suckling pigs out of dough, partridges of veal, chicken of tunny fish.

Keeping fresh vegetables green by boiling them in a copper kettle with soda.

Pepper. Piperis uncias IV--ordinarily our black or white pepper grains, but in connection with honey, sweets. Flavor Honey with Ground Pepper and Skim milk. Mix in Wine or spiced honey.

A Palm Leaf, FRESH CITRUS LEAVES, sweeten with honey.

TO KEEP MEATS FRESH WITHOUT SALT, COVER FRESH MEAT WITH HONEY. Pork OR BEEF OR TENDERLOINS, PLACE THEM IN A PICKLE OF MUSTARD, VINEGAR, SALT AND HONEY, COVERING MEAT ENTIRELY, AND WHEN READY TO USE YOU'LL BE SURPRISED. Dispensing with the honey, we use more spices, whole pepper, cloves, bay leaves, also onions and root vegetables. Sometimes a little sugar.

SALT MEAT SWEET, FIRST BOILING THEM IN MILK, FINISHING THEM IN WATER. Salt mackerel, finnan haddie, etc., are parboiled in milk prior to being boiled in water, broiled or fried. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEY ARE FRIED POUR HOT VINEGAR OVER THEM. Take oysters out of shell, place in vinegar barrel, sprinkle with laurel berries, fine salt, close tight. V. Goll's authority for this version is not found in our originals. Flavor with nuts.

vanilla bean: they bury the bean in a can of powdered sugar. They will use the sugar only which has soon acquired a delicate vanilla perfume, and will replace used sugar by a fresh supply.


GRAPES FROM THE VINES,POUR RAIN WATER OVER THEM Boil the water down to one third place in a vessel in a dark and cool place.SERVE THIS WATER AS HONEY MEAD TO THE SICK.


Well That was 76pages of 422 Pages, I have Read it all for you and placed the important stuff here to learn what our Ancestors use to eat and drink. Keep checking back to get more information. Try some of these meals, I know I am going to.

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