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How to Create a Foolproof Meal Plan for Healthy Eating


1. Kept You Full; If a meal leaves you hungry an hour later, skip it next time. For whatever reason, certain meals won't cut it for you. And, worse than leaving you hungry, eating these sorts of meals can lead to snacking or overeating later on2. Easy to Prepare

2. We have so many decisions and problems to solve each day. Taking the path of least resistance when it comes to food is important.. Prepare something that won't take away valuable family or relaxation time.

3. Easy to Make in Batches
Some of the best meals are ones you can make in large quantity and have on hand for the next few days or even a week. Certain things may not save well, but other foods have a longer shelf life as leftovers and some even taste better after a few days. Like soups, stews, salads, quiche, hard-boiled eggs, and anything swimming in a juice- sauce. Steel cut oats are a great batch item. They heat up well with a splash of almond milk after reheating.

4. Versatility
In reality, success just depends on how you intend to use the foods.
The first night, you enjoy the baked chicken with a few vegetable sides and a potato.
The next day, you make a salad with chopped chicken on top and a dressing.
The next day, or for lunches, you make a vegetable soup and toss in pieces of chicken for protein.
Chicken salad or chicken with tomato sauce are other options.

5. Everyone is different in tastes:
Complaints include "I don't like seafood," "Vegetables are gross," and "It's not fast food." But creating long-term change needs to be family efforts "No it does not" you're on the diet not them remember that. So everyone has to be open to trying new things "NO they don't". That said, there are a few ways to make things easier. When you go to the store, Plan out meals that you can use the ingredients for your personal diet, everyone does not have to eat what you are eating. Best way to solve this is take small mason jars and place your share of veggies or foods for the week in them label and after you have cooked the family's meals you can use the same ingredients and make your meals for the week.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.