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Daily "Life Hacks" - 06/06/2018

Time Out (Alex)

Did you know that eating guacamole can make you happier? Avocados help boost serotonin level in the brain.

by Life Hacks

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

Love, love this. I'm eating some fresh Avocado slices with my grilled chicken as we speak for lunch and it's just so yummy!
Oh and I'm happier too!

  Lyn Replied:

I will have to agree with this whole heartedly.

  Gwen Replied:

I am trying to ripen two avocados just now!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Avocado is a food group of itself in my book!

  Aunt Jan Replied:

I have never had an avocado - what does it taste like?

  Lyn Replied:

creamy deliciousness

  Gwen Replied:

I agree with Lyn, it is really delicious. I use it on salads but also make a creamy low carb chocolate mousse with it that is dairy free, sugar free and very tasty.

  Diane Replied:

Wow, I love them but didn't realize this. I need to incorporate more

  Gwen Replied:

Look what came into my inbox today - 9 ways to use avocado

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

Aunt Jan,
Instead of Cheese or mayo, put some avocado on a sandwich. It not only makes us happier, I think the food is happier too!

  Lyn Replied:

It's just tricky to get them at the right stage of ripeness. It's a short window. LOL

  Lyn Replied:

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

LOL! So true! I buy mine still hard so hopefully I can enjoy them.

  Cedric Replied:

Great food for a low carb diet, at least after Atkins 20. Myself, I purchase the guacamole single-serving packs because lazy! (:

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

I like eating my avocados fresh like it's a piece of fruit as a snack!

I like make my own guacamole, I don't like the store bought as much. I'll do it, if I'm desperate for it. However I usually stick buying them whole and doing what I want with it.

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