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One Day At A Time Sunday 7/22/18

Jeanne- CE!

Warm greetings to Precious Ones! What's in your Sunday, July 22, 2018?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, enjoy my church, celebrate Christmas in July! This year we're having my music buds over for sharing a clean and light holiday feast, choosing and running through music for the holiday season, singing carols, and enjoying a holiday movie. It's a fun tradition that stuck, stemming back from my public school orchestra director days- the holidays always came and went in such a blur that we decided to do this as a way to calmly take in a few of the joys and tuck them away for later.

  Sharon VA Replied:

What a lovely tradition. My Sunday is going to be a serene Sunday. Went to church, set my diet and tracking back up and starting over here. Enjoy your day.

  Lyn Replied:

Back home from our trip, had a great time catching up with friends. But as feels good to be back home! I'm almost done un-packing already...this is unheard of for me! Now I want to soak in the tub for a while and unwind from the trip which was supposed to let me unwind in the first place. LOL It is going to be a great evening!

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