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The "BER" months!

Jeanne- CE!

One of my teacher friends once remarked that once the "BER" months- SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER, DecemBER - arrive, that life becomes a blur until the new year arrives. That really stuck with me, so I try to savor all of the wonderful events and celebrations that are offered in this last third of the year.

It is easy to just let everything go starting in autumn and continuing through that blur that we call "the holidays"- believe me, I have done that more years than not- but not any more! This is a great time to plan ahead for your special occasions, carefully choose which indulgences are worth it, and live life to the fullest in wellness!

One day, one meal, one choice at a time; and when (not if!) things do not go as planned, jump right back on board with the very next choice. We can totally do this!

  Thulz💕 Replied:

The BER months! Fascinating! Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I intend on using the blur to work hard on my goals. If they're gonna fly by then they I might as well achieve something in a blur too, no? 🤣

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Absolutely, Thulz!

  Gwen Replied:

I like the phrase 'live life to the fullest in wellness' Jeanne. That is in my heart to do, it truly is and the 'ber' months are a good time to move in that direction.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

See what I mean? It's already the second half of SeptemBER! This is a good time to check in with what is and is not working for you.

  Denise Replied:

Maybe in Texas but in Canada the BER months are BRRRRR!!!!!! Summer comes to an abrupt end and all we hear about is how cold it is.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Yes, the "BER" months are always a blur for me. I long for the day when I can enjoy the holidays instead of having to host them. Of course, by then...LOL I need to come up with a plan to try and make these months a little more enjoyable. Good thinking, Jeanne!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

See what I mean? Where is September going? It's almost OCTOBER!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Well, I have started buying stocking stuffers instead of doing it all later. A little here and there will make a big difference for me. And my Aunt knitted them for me and they stretch and lets just say...I could fit a boot box plus some in each one so it takes quite a bit to fill them. LOL

  kc Replied:

Oh my, it has been years since I have done stockings. We should be in our new house by Christmas. What a great tradition to renew!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Two "BER" months down, two to go! How are you doing in this busy and fast moving time of year?

  Lyn💛 Replied:

You know, the first two months were a BER BLUR! I am going to really try and make the last two a little more relaxing. It's hygge season after all.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

BER BLUR- you hit the nail on the head, Lyn!

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