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One Day At A Time Friday 10/25/19

Jeanne- CE!

Happy FRIDAY, Precious People! What is up with you and yours on this one day?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what! I am off from school today, and will tackle lots of stuff around the house, goof off with Di, have more sclerotherapy done, and have a relaxed evening. it's all good!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Cleaning the house and party barn for our last big Halloween bash. It is going to be a great day!

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

Not feeling very well today. I was up for half the night sick to my stomach.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Party on, Lyn!

Feel better Alex!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Feel better Alex!

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