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One Day At A Time Wednesday 10/23/19
Jeanne- CE!
Wishing you a Wonderful Wellness Wednesday, Warriors! How are things shaping up for you on this one day?
I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, make sure to spend energy and time on what I say is non-negotiable, look forward to Gary's return home from his retreat, participate in Emmaus accountability time as the host and provider of the meal and the hospitality. It's all good!
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Lyn💛 Replied:
Running some errands, heading over to the new house to take some measurements, getting the party barn ready for winter as it is supposed to freeze here tonight. It is going to be a great day!
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Time Out (Alex) Replied:
Trying to breath during all my work and home life. Eating on plan, exercise and positive attitude.
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