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One Day At A Time Friday 2/1/19

Jeanne- CE!

Happy Friday, Precious Peeps! A fresh now month to get the weekend going! But what about just this one day?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, accentuate the positive, chill with Di after work, go to CrossFit, have a nice evening at home doing some practice, planning, and prepping. It's all good!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Today I will cook and clean and yoga. It is going to be a great day...and month!

  FastK Replied:

easy day. pick up Papillion Bolt from groomer in a bit. early drop off but OH how I love clean dog smell for as long as it lasts Fasting again today, make 21 days, I am thinking seriously not but it gives me a goal to run at, but probably won't make it, but now my thoughts are, how long can I do this? hmmm....great day here

  flower Replied:

I finished our taxes now I want chocolate !! Okay, 2 oz dark chocolate will suffice ! I WILL stay on plan no matter what ( I love this squad for the encouragement )

  Phyllis Replied:

Another possibility of getting it right one day at a time!

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