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One Dy At A Time Tuesday 2/26/19

Jeanne- CE!

Warm greetings, Sunshine! What wellness awaits you, just for today?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, drop my car off before work, stay in the moment, participate in Emmaus accountability time as the invited guest and recipient of the meal and the hospitality. It's all good!

  Rjaatt Replied:

Gratitude, Acceptance, Surrender and Forgiveness...right now... this minute... and nothing more...
The Backyard Sprinkler System is all dug out I did it in 4 days or 26hrs total. Today! I will dismantling it and then start Turning the dirt.

I am also starting the 40days/40night Fasting on March 1st, This will be my 2nd time doing it. I will this time be using, seeds, nuts, juices, infusion waters again, wheat crackers for communion, Onions, garlic, ginger, fresh spices, and can sardines 2's a week along with vitamins daily. and lets not for get purified water to flush out the body. I so enjoyed it last time.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I have all kinds of things I want to get done today, and am actually excited about most of them. LOL It is going to be a great day!

  flower Replied:

One more day on the wellness road..spending the day with my husband visiting a hospitalized friend ( with a spring blooming plant in hand ) , delivering a bereavement meal and getting my INR checked...accept and show love...

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