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100 Days restart - Day 13: Oops, I forgot to eat!

Jenn J

Day 13: Oops, I forgot to eat!

It's been a crazy day. You've attended meetings, answered numerous telephone calls and e-mails, and then pushed to meet the deadline on a major project. Suddenly, you look up at the clock and realize you completely missed lunch.

Now you're famished, so you eat whatever you can get your hands on quickly. Often that ends up being a candy bar or a small handful of nuts from your desk drawer. So much for getting quality fuel!

Skipping meals might sound like an easy way to lose weight. But it rarely works because your body outsmarts your plan. Whenever you go long periods without fuel, your body protects itself by hoarding some of the calories for later use. You also risk getting a late-day energy slump, which leads to even more eating struggles.

Saving up calories

Whenever Susan knows she's having a big dinner at night, she avoids eating all day. In her mind, she's saving up the calories so she'll have lots of room for her favorite foods. Unfortunately, this pattern tends to do the opposite of what Susan intended. In reality, our bodies know how to manage fuel sources very efficiently. When you under eat during the day, your body believes it may not get enough food, so it conserves what does come in. Even if Susan eats the same total number of calories as usual, her body will store a portion of that large evening meal, causing her to gain weight.

In the same way, if you routinely follow a one-meal-a-day plan, your body will train itself to get by on a small amount of food. Eventually, it adapts so well to the low-calorie level that it refuses to lose weight.

You have no choice

During the years when I was working in hospitals, I knew a diabetic nurse named Ellen. While the rest of us complained that we couldn't stop for lunch, Ellen always found time to eat her meals and snacks. She said, "I don't have a choice. If I don't eat, I'll pass out and I won't be any help at all."

You don't have to be diabetic to use this strategy. Just make it a habit to tell yourself, "I have no choice." By convincing yourself that skipping meals is not an option, you'll work a lot harder to routinely take care of your fuel needs.


Write down the times of the day when you plan to eat your meals and snacks.

Make an effort to eat within 30 minutes of these scheduled times. At the end of the day, review your eating patterns to see how well you did.

If you tend to skip meals or forget to eat, set an alarm to remind yourself when it's time for fuel.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

I am not one who forgets to eat , but if something causes me to miss a meal, I do best just getting right back on track with my normal routine. If I start nibbling little things to tide me over, it can become an endless quest of searching for what I don't need.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I am guilty of getting so busy I forget to eat and then end up reaching for whatever is fastest. I try and always have good things ready to go for this reason but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. Getting a lot better about it though, noticing I am not willing to grab just anything anymore.

  Jenn J Replied:

I find that when I eat a heavy load of protein I can go without snacking. When I go without snacking I don't end up eating the sugary carb loaded snacks.

Also, my day is shifted off by 4-5 hours from most people since I work swing shift. My day starts around 10:30am when I'm waking up. My lunch (at work) is at 5:45pm, and I typically have a light supper around 9pm. I'm home around 12:30am and bed by 3am.

The challenge is trying to fit my eating schedule in with how the rest of the people eat. Luckily my BF is also a swing shift worker, so we can eat together.

  flower Replied:

A protein meal holds me from hunger so I am not even thinking of eating way past the 3-4 hour time frame . If I have a carb meal I am hungry in about 3 hours , irritable , shaky and starting to get a headache . So I have learned that my body prefers a protein meal over a sugar dump

  Jenn J Replied:

I agree flower. When I have a protein heavy and carb light meal I am not hungry for a long time. But if I eat carb heavy I get hungry, or the munchies, before my next meal.

  Jenn J Replied:

Rjaatt, how will we find your videos?

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.