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One Day At A Time Friday 3/29/19

Jeanne- CE!

Happy Friday, Dearest! What is going on on that little wellness-minded head of yours today?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what! Today I am off work and will be going to a surgery clearance appointment for arthroscopic knee surgery that I am electing to have in about a month (which is very minor in the grand scheme of things), check in with BFF girl Di, take my crazy Dalmatian grrrls in for their annual appointment (one at a time ), express gratitude, have a nice rest of the day going with the flow and BEing home. It's all good!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I am slowly but surely getting better. I hope to go out for a walk today but at the moment it is raining so I will have to wait and see about that. Today is the last day of my son's spring break so I will spend some quality time with him and make him up some ground flaxseed, hemp hearts and chia packs to take back to school with him for his smoothies. It is going to be a great day!

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