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One Day At Time Wednesday 4/17/19

Jeanne- CE!

Wow, Wonderful Warriors, anyone on board for a Wednesday of Wellness?

I am! I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, smile more, let go of thought patterns that are not contributing to my wellness, participate in Emmaus accountability time as the host and provider of the meal and the hospitality. It's all good!

  flower Replied:

I will focus on and be grateful for all of the wonderful aspects of my life and let the little annoying things go ( like my aching shoulder after all of the gardening yesterday and think about my salon appointment with my best chatting buddy / stylist ) It is going to be a great day

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Heading to the store for a few things this morning, then back home to walk before the storms hit tonight. Although I must say, it looks like they could hit at any minute, it looks strange out there. It is going to be a great day!

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