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One Day At A Time Friday 5/31/19

Jeanne- CE!

Happy FriYAY, Precious Peeps! What is your adventure for this one day?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what; get all my ducks in a row with my PT, packing up and getting back on the road from Springfield, MO to Memphis TN (a little under 5 hrs not counting stops); begin the real life adventure with Peggy and Lyn! FriYAY indeed; it's all good!

  flower Replied:

Finishing the month strong ~ my gym is totally remodeled now with all new equipment and it is a very good incentive to work out more frequently and longer ~ looking forward to blasting off the last 5 lbs I desire to lose. Today we are planting annuals in the planters scattered in Bird Sanctuary at our church now that the water has receded from all the rain . Safe travels to you Jeanne ~~ All is good

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Today I am in Memphis! I made it safe and sound and can't wait for the fun to begin! It is going to be a great day!

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