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1596 days!


Hi all. I have been inconsistently using this site for a while. I noticed today on the diet dashboard that I've been a member for 1596 days! On the one hand, I'm wondering what's wrong with me that I still haven't "gotten it." On the other hand, I can see a gradual but permanent 10 pound weight loss over that time span. I guess I need to focus on the fact that the tortoise wins the race.
Thanks for listening!

  Gwen Replied:

Happy to listen Rachel. Congratulations for hanging on in there! Great to have you on SYD!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Rachel, love your post! I was the tortoise too! My weight loss pace was literally 1/4 to 1/2 pound a MONTH! Then it took me a year and a half to get the last 10-15 lbs off, but I did it, and now I have been maintaining a healthy goal weight range for almost nine years! I stick around here, because the journey did not end when I got to goal weight; this is a lifestyle, and all about total wellness. There is so much to learn from others, and so much support here!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Great to see your post! You are moving in the right direction, that is all that matters! Well done.

  Alicia Replied:

I've been using SYD for YEARS! At least 13 years. I'm slowly getting there.

  Sue Ellen Replied:

I too have not gotten it right yet, however not giving up on this weight loss journey. Each day is making the right choices. You can do this Rachel. 10 pound loss is great....keep going.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.