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One Day At A Time Thursday 6/20/19

Jeanne- CE!

Heeey Beautiful! Waddup, Buttercup?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what; get a move on, do what needs to be done before I leave, and get packed up and out the door. I am actually on a time schedule, so I cannot just be random ma'am and leave three hours later than planned, haha! I am Ubering to G's work, which is 40+ miles from home in the direction that we are going. Then we'll head to San Antonio to pick up the Garymama, spend the night, and get on the road for two days. We'll be in Winter Haven Florida, where Gary has family from both sides, and will not be back in our own little nest until Saturday 6/29. Despite known challenges within family dynamics, I will use my pause button, smile a lot, keep my chin up, and follow the example of the apostle Paul and be content in all circumstances. It's a goal, anyway; all positive vibes will be gratefully accepted. It's all good!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Wishing you safe travels and a peaceful trip! I am finishing up packing for our big weekend, all the party stuff is done, haven't even packed a single thing for myself yet. I am on a time schedule too so I best get moving! It is going to be a great day!

  flower Replied:

Jeanne you are an inspiration to me because my 3 sisters are coming up to spend next week-end for an early July 4th family and friends cook off my son has every year . I find myself thinking about how I will handle the negative dynamics they bring with them in a healthy way without being pulled into it. PAUSE ....SMILE ...CHIN UP ...PEACE ....Prayers over your whole trip girl ! Lyn have a great camp out ! In the meantime I will focus on my blessings ~ it is good

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