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One Day At A Time Thursday 6/6/19

Jeanne- CE!

Heeey Beautiful! What ya got goin' on today?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, plan and prep, practice, give Bikram yoga another shot, enjoy my first BirthMONTH celebration with dinner out with Gary and Di and clean dessert chez Jeanne. The restaurant is Cafe Momentum, which is an awesome effort to rehabilitate and provide opportunities to those who have been in the juvenile delinquent system or have somehow fallen through the cracks. Check out their website if you are so inclined. It's all good!

  flower Replied:

Happy Birthday !! What a powerful declaration in that name Cafe Momentum ! It sounds like a spectacular effort ! Brings to mind the conversation I had with my 19 yo grand-daughter at breakfast yesterday morning about college life with friends ~ that force can take you in 2 separate and opposing directions . BTW I thought the Quinoa oatmeal at a certain well known restaurant sounded like a good choice but was astounded at the calorie count ! SO to stick to my plan I could only eat 1/2 the served portion

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Well done flower! Happy Birth Month Jeanne! Sounds like a great place to celebrate. I am celebrating a bit myself as I just got my computer back. Wow, I didn't realize how much I use it until it was gone. So glad to have it back but at the same time will be mindful of how much I am on it. Today I will figure out a healthy snack to take to purse bingo tonight...something I totally do NOT want to do but am doing it for a friend and it is a charity event for the hospice that took care of my dad so how could I say no? It is going to be a great day!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

It ain't easy bein' you, Lyn; lol!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I like to make things difficult on myself. haha

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