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One Day At A Time Friday 4/24/20

Jeanne- CE!

Happy Friday, Precious Peeps! Waddup Buttercup?

I will be Clean Lean Quarantine Jeanne no matter what, get outside with G and dogs (G's off Fridays), practice, do the 2 people house stuff, check in with Di for our Friday chill break, chill some more; is it getting chilly in here?! It's all good!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

We have a zoom meeting set up with my F.I.L. who has been stuck in his room at his assisted living place for, I think, 7 weeks now. He should be able to see all 6 of his kids, I hope it works! There will be a nurse there to set it all up and help him hear. It is going to be a great day!

  deb Replied:

@Lyn ~ how exciting! Let us know how the Zoom meeting goes!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

The meeting went well! He was able to see all 6 kids, 4 daughter & son in laws and 2 grandkids. And one grand dog. LOL He looks great and was able to understand us all with the help of his nurse. She was so sweet to take care of that for us. We are blessed with the quality of care he is getting.

  Diane Replied:

So glad the meeting went well. It really is awesome the technology we have.

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