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One Day At A Time Tuesday 5/5/20

Jeanne- CE!

Heeey Beautiful! What is up, Buttercup?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, move and stretch, practice, plan and prep, get nose back to grindstone on house stuff (I've stubbornly ignored it for a couple of days), participate in Emmaus accountability time as the invited guest and recipient of the meal and the hospitality. It's all good!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I'm going to take care of things as I feel like it today instead of out of necessity. Hopefully. LOL It's not supposed to rain but looks like it will downpour at any second out there so not sure if I will get a walk in or not. is going to be a great day!

  deb Replied:

I am oven cleaning today, ugh! It's not exactly hard with self-cleaning, but I need to scrub the racks. I have the fan running & windows open ~ too many fumes!

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