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I didn't do it!

Jeanne- CE!

I haven't gone off the wellness rails in quite some time now, but almost did yesterday -- over halloween candy. It is everywhere at my work, and "everybody's doing it." It might have helped that we are still required to mask in my work environment, so it's harder to just mindlessly pop something into my mouth.

This doesn't mean that it will never happen again; it probably will. Once it's done it's done, and forward march from there. No need for self-punishment after the the fact. Just start again with the next choice, meal, or day.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

Yeah, yesterday morning I ate a bit off plan. Nothing too crazy but went for convenience instead of quality. I was able to pull myself together though and balance it out the rest of the day instead of the typical...welp, this day's already shot so I may as well go hard. LOL

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