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One Day At A Time Saturday 1/16/21

Jeanne- CE!

Hello Gorgeous! What's in it for you and your wellness today?

I will be Clean Lean Green Jeanne no matter what, go for a pretty pedi (in a very safe and trusted environment), stretch and move, practice, random household stuff. it's all good!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

No plan for the day other than to stay on plan. It is going to be a great day!

  Melinda Replied:

I am eating healthy, getting my water in, logging meals, and working out later! Also catching up on some work for work. It's all good

  Diane Replied:

Getting in my water and watching my portions. All is good.

  Jenn J Replied:

I allowed myself to buy some Little Caesar Pizza thinking I could treat myself and balance the day with healthy foods. Once it arrived and I looked to add it to my meal plan I realized that 2 slices of the pizza was almost my entire days eating. I passed the pizza to my son/housemate. I did eat 2 of the stuffed crazy bread before realizing how much that impacted my food choices for the day. I have 1 left and ate no pizza. I'm very proud of myself for making good choice.

I allowed myself to buy it, then chose not to eat it. That's a huge victory for me.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.