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100 Days, day 2

Jenn J

Todays tasks:

Decide that you will always be committed to your weight-loss plan, not just interested.

In your notebook, describe how you will stick with your program, no matter what.

Do at least one thing today that demonstrates you are truly committed. For example, take a walk or eat your vegetables-no matter what.

  Jenn J Replied:

I am committed. I have tried starting this program too many times and walked away when I found "something shiny" to distract me. I am committed to being here for a a full year. I am committed to tracking my food and knowing that when I have something with lots of carbs or sugars I need to adjust the rest of the day...NOT QUIT.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

I am really big on the "no matter what" idea; I post those words every day in my One Day at a Time posts!

  Diane Replied:

Committed.... Why is that so hard. There is a book that goes along with this and it said you have to be committed and remember that all those donuts /cakes/unhealthy eating is what got us here to improve our weight and health. If we go back to those same ways we will undo all we are trying to do. On this Day 2... I like to think of the term... I on "Healthwatch 2021". It is funny that if you go to a party and say you are on a diet, people try to say oh just today eat this but if you say you can't eat the cake due to a health reason, people are more understanding and don't undermine your goals. Here's to a great day 2.

  Anna Replied:

Committed... It is hard to make the final leap into the committed pool. When I am committed or as many of us have described, "in the zone", no one or no food can tempt me, but everything less is a struggle. So for today, I will strive to be committed. I will try really really hard to make it through today without following my nose to the cupboard ... by keeping my mind on the prize.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.