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Shopping struggles...anyone else?

Jenn J

Does anyone else feel compelled to buy more food than you can eat before it goes bad?

I have always struggled with buying too much food that I like, then not eating it before it goes bad.

What have you done to change this pattern?

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I do this. It's like I'm a prepper at heart and I always have extra "just in case". Which came in handy during the great toilet paper shortage. LOL But yeah, I do this.

  Anna Replied:

I always buy the majority of my canned and non-fresh foods in the summer for the fall/winter/spring when its on sale. All I need to buy during the winter is my fresh food and the odd things that I run out of that I didn't buy enough of. This is the first year that I am actually home to use it in many years. Its complicated but I always say I am staying home (from the Arctic) and I always go back. But this is is different. I am home and eating my food, lol. I prepackage everything to one person sizes. If I have company, I take out two... I am an odd kitten, lol. Some of my fresh does go bad if I don't freeze it in portions but I have learned for me that its better to buy frozen vegetables like peas, corn, green beans and stir fry. I only buy fresh onions and bell peppers. IF I feel I am going to lose something I throw it into a soup or make a big batch of speghetti and then pre-portion that. OMG, I am anal to the 10th degree! lol No wonder I am single.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

This has gotten better with me over time, but I'm a "just in case-er" at heart. One of my work colleagues calls the vegetable bin in his refrigerator "the rotter!"

  Thulz💕 Replied:

I live alone and we get hit with a lot of power cuts so I've just gotten into the habit of mentally meal-prepping for the week and anyone who visits me towards the end of week probably thinks poor girl is starving.
When it comes to junk food tho I'm the opposite I "stock up for the month" but it all gets eaten within a few days lol
So literally the only time veggies and stuff rot in my fridge is because I chose to eat junk instead of them

  Diane Replied:

I am getting better about this. I am freezing sandwiches for lunch so no more lunch meat waste.. Buying veggies frozen helps too.

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