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100Days: Day 11: Two purposes of food

Jenn J

Today's Tasks:

Each time you eat something, write down the time that you ate it. Include all of your meals as well as snacks and nibbles. At the end of the day, count the number of times you took in fuel.

Plan ways to space your fuel stops between three to four hours apart.

Notice whether having regular fuel stops during the day improves your energy and your focus

  Diane Replied:

Oh goodness. I need to do this. I think I would see I nibble too much.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

My best plan involves lots of planned fuel stops. I know many who naturally thrive on fasting intermittently or occasionally longer. I have learned that I am not a faster, and can get "hangry" and lose focus in no time flat without fresh fuel intake!

  Anna Replied:

I do not have enough focus to do this exercise but i do know that I am a serious grazer. When I am being accountable I try really hard to only eat my three meals. Even a snack can trigger a binge. Sometimes, if I feel that I can control in between eating I call it dessert from lunch or dinner. Such as a yogurt with berries or 3 dates... I will be honest, I am a food addict.

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