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What happened?

Jenn J

I know I have not been active in ages, but what happened to all the people? I only see a dozen or so active people now. There was a time when this place was buzzing. So may challenges that there were pages of them. Is Linda no longer promoting this site?

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

It has gotten slow but the good ones are still here! LOL

  deb Replied:

Ditto what Lyn said!

  Jenn J Replied:

I just look at my friends list, but over half aren't active any more. I'm sad it has dwindled, but so glad it is still active for those of us that are life time members.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

I keep hoping it will pick up!

  Melinda Replied:

I just got back on again too. I was surprised by how much has changed, there used to be a recipe section, and then message boards for different subjects. I miss both of those things. But at any rate, am glad to be back!

  Thulz ❤️ Replied:

Lol What I have seen happen is this.
People resurface at the beginning of a new year, having fallen off track, to try and get back on track again.
They see themselves fall off track again. They either conclude that the site is "not working" or they feel some sort of shame for having fallen off.
And so they disappear again. The cycle continues.
I am able to say this because that's what I've also done before...I've been a member here for over 10 years I think.

I decided to try something different- I stayed last 2 years and have been relatively active. Did I meet my goals? No. Does that mean the site is not working? No.
Having stayed and uncovering at least 3 decades of mental damage - thought errors - was worth it and it is why I'm going to succeed this year.

I guess what I'm trying to say - which is something I said to someone else who asked this question and has subsequently disappeared lol- is:
Define what you want out of this site in such a way that whether 5 or 50 people are active, you still make it work for you.
That is the common thread I see for all the people that have stayed even though we all actually use the site very differently.

In Summary: What Lyn said...The good ones are still here

  Jenn J Replied:

Melinda, I agree. There are parts missing that I appreciated. The 100 Days thread to work with others on your process. The recipies. The groups.

I also miss the emails from Linda with tips and encouragements.

I LOVE how this site works with any program/process you chose for your weight loss, but I'm sad to see it isn't being promoted.

  Jenn J Replied:

Thulz, I agree about people reappearing at the beginning of "events" and I've done it too.

This year is different for me. I'm so much more committed to this process, losing weight, and making myself healthier and a better person for my future. Losing my dad to a stroke, and my mother having had 3 in 3 years, has me aware of my vulnerability to cardiac issues. I know these choices today will help me be there tomorrow.

  Melinda Replied:

I'm definitely guilty of appearing, and then fading off. Let's all commit to stay active for the year, regardless! I have a good feeling about this year. Imagine that we all achieve our goals, how awesome would that be?

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

Yes, that would be amazing!

  Jenn J Replied:

I am committed to being here for the year.

I'm doing this for my health.

I'm doing this for my SO.

I'm doing this for my sons.

I'm doing this for my step daughter.

But most of all I'M DOING THIS FOR ME!

  Melinda Replied:

Those are great reasons Jenn! I feel the same - mostly its about health for me too. Also I'd like my daughter to have a mental picture of me at a normal weight. She can't remember me before this insidious weight gain began around 50.

I am committing for the next year too! I am going to reach my goal this year, but if there are months where my progress is less than stellar I am committing to still getting on this site and updating my weight (at least weekly) and blogging (at least 1/month). But right now I think I will be on every day ;-)

BTW I founf the recipe section, its under Motivation/Learn/Share/More tab. There's also a feature to upload 1 photo of yourself per month over the next year and view as a slideshow for motivation. I might do that.

  Jenn J Replied:

Melinda....THANK YOU so much for finding that. I will go in there tomorrow and update some things.

I'm here to buddy chat with anyone that's interested..

  Time Out (Alex) 💋 Replied:

Thulz - I just wanted to let you know I love you! You speak the truth and it's so refreshing! Thank you for being a part of my life.

I ditto everyone else, "The good ones are still here", maybe not every single day.

  Sharon VA Replied:

Sounds familiar. I have slid off and on for years. However, if I didn't keep trying, I would be in much worse physical condition than I am now, that is for sure. Back again, and stumbling through.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

I'm loving that people are posting!

  Sandy Replied:

Where is the place to contact those responsible for this site? Wasn't it here in the message board? Didn't they communicate with us now and then? Just curious if anyone is monitoring this site anymore. I'd love to know if they've just abandoned it. Sure feels like it, doesn't it? Glad a few are still here because I really like it. Good discussion.

  Melinda Replied:

I certainly hope the site doesn't get abandoned! I hope they are making money on it, and can continue to platform it, I think it's awesome. I tried Noom and some others and they were very impersonal, never connected really with anyone.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

You can click on the help tab on the top left of screen right above the; at least that's how it displays on my laptop. There is a place to submit a question or communicate.

  Anna Replied:

Hi Again...

I am am one of those on and off SYD gals. I always feel like I am coming home when I come back. I remember the glory days of Lisa and Gwen and Lyn and Thulz and Jeanne and Shirley. This is the first year that I did not come back pre-end of year and start fresh on the first of January. But here I am mid-month realizing that I cannot do it on my own. What I don't understand is why I don't stay... Why do I give up? I just fade away.

I am at a decent weight for me. 169 is a good weight. I would love to be at 125 but I will take 170 lbs. I weighed 209 at one point so 40lbs off is a good place to start.

I watched a movie on netflix today that was on the spiritual side that showed 4 fathers creating a written resolution stating that they would commit to be the best fathers that they could be. I like the idea of commiting to a SYD one year-resolution. Maybe we could create a year-long commitment and make it part of a competition so we can track it... Maybe we could put a challenge together of reaching out to buddies or blogging or or or... just throwing the seed of an idea out there... We could create a written resolution/commitment and put it on our blogs...

I think that I might stay longer if I resolute to do so with a few others. Is this something that might be doable? I am game if so. I think that we should try to have at least 5 to 10 people. I miss the good old days of lots of messages on the board. I will admit that the same two or three headings filling the board is not that inspiring ... even if they are very important to the ones involved in those specific threads. It would be awesome if we could recreate some of the energy that we had a few years ago. I would like to try! I have finally retired and want to focus on my health and my weight... Covid has created isolation and to be honest after working away for so many years, I do not have a lot of friends. The familiarity of your names and words and things that we have done in the past 10 years or more have made you my virtual friends and supporters. Its good to be back....

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

I'll be here Anna! Great too see you back!

  Jenn J Replied:

Welcome back Anna. I too have faded from the site in past years. This year is different as I am committed to losing this weight like never before.

  Thulz ❤️ Replied:

Welcome Back Anna!

To your point about committing for a year- there's a competition called 2021 Let's Go ALL IN which is a competition for the year. The only requirement in that competition is that people keep up with tracking the minimum number of days and not fall below the line.
It's not even about losing or gaining at all - just awareness and not drifting.

The idea behind this is that:
It is has been proven that as human beings when we feel we're not doing too well (in any area of life) we tend to wanna do the ostrich syndrome and bury our heads in the sand.
We then perpetuate the problem until we wake up and it's October and then we are like Oh well I'll start again next year.

So the premise of this is then, if at the bare minimum we are engaged and forced to look at our numbers on a regular basis and not turn away when it gets hard or boring or frustrating or life gets in the way, we will eventually be tired of not seeing progress and make the effort to change at the very minimum.

At best, we might make progress but stall out in the middle somewhere and we feel demotivated but when one looks at their year they're like hey I've actually lost 15lbs for the year - progress that might be hidden when looking only on a month to month basis.
So if you're ALL IN, join us there as your first act of commitment

It will also help that thread to keep going throughout the year instead of fizzling out as it normally does within the first 2 months

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Great to "see" you again, Anna!

  Anna Replied:

It is good to be back! I did see the year-long competion last night and joined. Thank you for starting it. I will track tomorrow. I have to wrap my head around the start point!! I can do it I am off to bed, Its nice to see all of you again. I will check in again tomorrow.

  Melinda Replied:

I like the sound of a written pact that we enter in our blogs committing to a year of involvement! Maybe it could include 1) Joining the "Let's Go All In " competition for the year and tracking weight the minimum amount of times to keep your name above the line. 2) Posting to the thread for that competition at least once per month. 3) Entering a blog posting at least once per month. (Personally I would include my weight loss goal and comment on my progress, but that is up to the individual)
This would be a pact that we make with each other!

  Thulz ❤️ Replied:

Melinda I love it!! I'm down for all 3

  Melinda Replied:

Awesome! Maybe actually write it out and sign it, and then take a picture and upload to blog? I think writing out/signing would make it psychologically more binding.

  Anna Replied:

I love it! Maybe we could make it sort of important looking so we add some of our emotional/commitment to it! Would it be too much to change it engage once a week versus once a month for each item? It would keep us more engaged I think... Once a month is better than none a month but i think i would need once a week since i am an escape artist, lol.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

How exciting! Love the creativity, commitment and positive energy!

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

You can count me in!

  Melinda Replied:

I can commit to weekly! My weekly blog posts might be short though ;-)

  Anna Replied:

Yeahhh! I would like to start the Resolution Commitment Blurb and we can add the three "actions" to it. I will do a draft by tonight and anyone can add or change it so that we all have a part. How fun!

  Melinda Replied:

Great,looking forward to it!!

  Diane Replied:

I'm guilty of coming and going lately but hope to be on here more. I felt like I was running from one place to the other but with a few changes in our routine I hope to be here more. Hubby is going to cook more for us during the week when I am running back and forth to gymnastics with our daughter.

  Jenn J Replied:

I have come and gone many times over the last 10+ years. This year I am committed to change. My father passing from a stroke, my mother 3 strokes, all make me very aware of my lifestyle choices over the last 10 years and I don't want to always worry I might have a stroke. This year is about healthy food choices, or balancing the less healthy with more healthy so I allow myself some treats. I also know that consistent exercise is my best defense. Neither of my parents did regular exercises as I was growing up, so the pattern was never there for them as older adults. I want to change that pattern within myself.

  Time Out (Alex) 💋 Replied:

Welcome back Anna!

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.