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One Day At A Time Tuesday 2/16/21

Jeanne- CE!

Brrr, Beautiful! What you got going on today?

I will be Clean Lean Green (but maybe with blue lips!) Jeanne no matter what, keep my chin up as we navigate single digit temps and prolonged power outages (less than 3hrs of power since yesterday morning,) plan and prep, do what I can in these conditions and let go of what I can't. Thankful to have hot water, and gas cooktop and fireplace. It's all good!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Thinking of you Jeanne! I am blessed to not have to leave the house so I can just look out and enjoy our beautiful snow that looks like actual glitter, it is so beautiful. And deep! My poor dog can't figure out where the porch ends and the yard begins so I am going to have some messes to clean up when this all melts. Today I will yoga and meditate and cook and paint and read and clean and enjoy every single second of it. It is going to be a great day!

  Jenn J Replied:

Been a super busy day at work. I work with techs that fix problems providing service to our customers. The winter storms that hit the west coast left a huge mess.

I see my doctor tomorrow so I'm excited to see how much they think I have lost.

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