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100 Days: Day 28: Eating because it's there

Jenn J

Today's Tasks:

In your journal, write the phrase, I don't eat food just because it's there. Then write the same words on sticky notes and post them any place you need reminders.

Memorize this phrase, focus on it, and integrate it into your day.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

I seldom do this any more, and wonder why I ever did!

  Jenn J Replied:

I'm working on this. It's so easy to grab a small tootsie roll and eat it thinking "it's just one small one" and then I struggle to not grab more. It's a daily process.

  Phyllis Replied:

This is one I have to work on, it seems if I see something, smell something good that my urge is to want it. Sometimes it takes real determination to keep from it,

  Jenn J Replied:


I put myself into a position of having to not give in to an urge. I bought (wishing I hadn't now) several bags of jelly beans. I love them and it's coming up on Easter so they are in every store. So far, I have NOT opened a single bag of them. I want to enjoy them, but my current goal is to keep my sugar intake as low as possible for my next A1c check in late April.

Remember Linda's suggestion of saying "not now" and writing it down in a calendar when you can allow yourself to enjoy that "thing" you smell. Try doing that with someone you find an urge to have. Write it on a calendar a week later and see if that helps curb the urge now. Knowing you can have it late may help you not cave in.

  Anna Replied:

I have to admit that I am dealing with this right now! My father said he likes chocolate so I had gotten into the habit of buying him a bar at night for a couple of days and I would get myself one as well so I knew that I could not keep that up. I decided to buy my father a package of homemade style chocolate chip mini cookies instead. He has had tem there for a few days now and yes, I would have three or four because they were there! It was the only reason. However, today I made a very strong commitment to myself to stick to my eating wellness plan. I thought about the cookies but I did not let myself act on the thought of eating them. I left them where they were... So for today, I stepped away from the temptation.

  Jenn J Replied:

Great work Anna. Now, I would suggest giving yourself a day where you can enjoy 2 cookies. Each time you are tempted, remind yourself of the day you plan to enjoy them.

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