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How do you declutter your life? (March decluttering focus)

Jenn J

Not only do we need to declutter our stuff, we also need to declutter our kitchens. I have come to realize I have way too many storage containers. Many I haven't used in years, but still hesitate to get ride of. Many are much too big for a single person to consider using, yet I hesitate to let them go.

Do you have anything cluttering your life that you know you don't need or use?

Let's make March a decluttering month. We are coming up on spring and it's a great time for new habits to be formed.

  Lyn❤️💛💜 Replied:

We've just downsized into a much smaller home so I have been forced to declutter and it feels good. I have only the good stuff here, the stuff I use and love and it feels great. But we still have the old house and all the stuff there needs to be dealt with. It's emotional getting rid of things for many reasons. These next few months are going to be challenging.

  Jenn J Replied:

When I helped my parents move into assisted living (1 bedroom and living space from a 3 bedroom home with full basement) it was a HUGE challenge. My mother still complains they sold her things for too little and it's been over a year.

  Lyn❤️💛💜 Replied:

Yeah, I can see where that would be really tough for her.

  Jenn J Replied:

She's having a hard time letting go of what she can't change. I'm trying to be patient and not tell her what to do, but it's a struggle when I know there are more important things she needs to be dealing with.

  Anna Replied:

I have been decluttering my life in all ways emotional, physical and financial. It is hard and I believe that it will be rewarding but I am still on the road called change. What has helped me is not looking at the moment. I have stated to people in my life who care that I should reach that "destination" by the end of 2021. By then all my best laid plans should be rewarded... but we all know the saying around best laid plans. Let's see what happens and hopefully my wellness plan will kick into gear as well.

  Jenn J Replied:

I don't call myself a hoarder, as I don't keep things that are useless or garbage to me, but I am a "keeper" of things I don't need. both my mother and father were keepers. My mother kept fine china and crystal when they hadn't entertained at home in years. She kept over 100 purses at one point.

My "keep" is craft items, things related to mechanical projects I have, and books. I know I need to declutter those things, but it's so difficult. I am starting in my kitchen to downsize that stuff I don't need/want.

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