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When you fall off your do you avoid blame?

Jenn J

I fell hard in Wisconsin. I'm struggling not beating myself up for this. I know it was stress related, but I had a plan to eat well. I didn't. I find myself still struggling with blame and bad food choices. How do you avoid blaming yourself when you make bad choices?

  Sandy Replied:

I don't. I blame myself but then I tell myself that I can do better... that I know better. And I prove it to myself by doing better. I think we all do it!!! You need to just move on. (Easier said than done!)

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

I just flat out start over with the next day. Even if I still feel full from previous overindulgence, I eat my normal breakfast and then continue with an on plan day, because that kicks my digestion back into gear, and things move forward from there. I forgive myself and move on, knowing I have learned a lesson that will help next time.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

The blame game never helps anything, it won't change what has been done, so I try to just move forward and do the best that I can do where I am. Talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend having come home from a trip, you deserve that same kindness from yourself!

  Jenn J Replied:

Lyn, that is the best advice ever. So often we beat ourselves up when we would talk to others with kindness and understanding. That's what I will focus on this week.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

What Lyn said really is the heart of the matter. I find it so natural as a teacher (and in all of my relationships) to be kind, patient, gentle, understanding, generous, loving, forgiving, and believing the best- not that I always succeed at that...I don't, lol! But still, why am I not also worthy of such lovingkindness? The answer is that I really am, and so is everyone else.

  Jenn J Replied:

I think this is a general theme of Linda's 100 days. It's not about berating, degrading, or's about positive thinking, awareness, and kindness to ourselves. Her wide/narrow road is a great example.

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