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100 Days: Day 31: Hunger scale

Jenn J :))

We have finished 30% of the first 100 Days program. How are you feeling? Are you able to see the changes the reading has done related to your eating? I'm feeling very accomplished that I have kept doing this program this year instead of giving up.

Today's Tasks:

Start watching for hunger signals such as having a growling stomach, fatigue, headache, or loss of focus. Notice if you feel somewhat weak or shaky, grouchy, listless, or faint.

In your notebook, write down the sensations you felt. Describe how you knew you were hungry.

Whenever you recognize a hunger signal, respond to it and eat something within 20 to 30 minutes.

  Phyllis Replied:

This book is always my go-to and today I will be home so writing my thoughts in my "magic notebook" will be easier.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Love how you're doing this, Jenn- what you're doing is working; and LOVE the new icon btw- cuuuute! The 100 days readings are mostly affirmations for me, but the ones that really resonate with me always bear repeating!

I feel best eating small meals and snacks (portion planned) frequently. I can get "hangry" when I don't eat; not mean at all just lose my focus.

  Jenn J :)) Replied:

Jeanne, thanks. I decided I wanted an Icon change. I was hoping for a hippo but they don't have any, so I chose a cute kitten.

I find myself getting hungry for the first time in years. I used to graze all day long so never really felt hunger. Now I eat my meal, don't eat anything until my snack or next meal. I try to drink water when I start to feel the urge to graze. This seems to be the biggest change to my eating that I really notice.

I'm still adjusting to feeling hunger, and can't always tell how strong a hunger it is. When it gets to a point that I feel I have to eat something I try to choose one of my healthy choices.

  Anna Replied:

I am finding that I am less hungry now that I am not grazing. I was in a vicious cycle of addictive eating/grazing and was never full and always hungry for more more more. A true food addict.

As of now... scary now... I am getting hungry at meal times and I make myself wait if I feel waiting is achievable. I don't want to graze and I don't want to put myself in a position that not eating will make me say the hell with it and eat BECAUSE... Last night I had two bowls of cereal before I went to bed. I realized today that I was starting to slip and I knew that I had to go back to nothing between my meals and only three meals a day. For me it is a must --- abstinence for me means three meals a day and no sugar or baked goods or junk food. I am not ready to give up flour completely but I am eating 90% less bread and no baked goods. AND no chocolate bars...

  Jenn J :)) Replied:

Anna that is amazing. I have struggled with grazing as long as I can remember. This food/sugar addiction (in some way but on all) is worse than drug addition. We can't just stop eating or avoid food to help our addition. No addiction is easy to deal with, but this one is so difficult.

  Anna Replied:

So true Jenn! When I am whining I tell my family that I can't just give up food! They don't seem to get it. So I don't say too much to them anymore. Dad is a amateur statastician so he wanted to know how many days on track yesterday. I told him that I was choosing not to count this time. I did not need the extra pressure. He said ok! I don't want my addictions to be his hobby!

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