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100 Days: Day 32: The five-hour rule

Jenn J :))

Today's Tasks:

Plan your mealtimes carefully, aiming for no more than three to five hours between meals or snacks.

Write your plan in your notebook, and then record the times you actually eat.

Notice any patterns such as whether you tend to overeat when you go too long between meals.

  Jenn J :)) Replied:

While not watching the clock to keep within this window, I know I do as I can tell by my body when it's been too long since I've eaten.

  Anna Replied:

I am a heavy duty grazer so for me... its three meals at 8am, 12 noon and 5pm. If I have to have a snack at nine i have a little something. Tonight I had a couple of tablesppons of sugar free jello amd I was satisfied!

  Jenn J :)) Replied:

Great job Anna. I tend to grab a string cheese (prepackaged in single servings) when I want to snack at night. I have to be careful with sugar free foods as I can have a bad reaction to the sugar substitute unless it is Stevia based.

  Anna Replied:

I just found Stevia for my real ice tea, which is also helping a lot! I find that its getting a little easier the longer I am staying away from my trigger foods!

  Jenn J :)) Replied:


Check out Real Lemon flavorings. They have lemon (non sweetened) to add to tea, but they also have lemonades with other flavors that has stevia. So you get a nice lemony sweetish drink without the sugar and calories.

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