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This One Day- 11/23/22

Jeanne- CE!

Off we go to San Antonio to see the Garymama and the Garybro: two major pieces of work, but aren't we all! I will use everything in my tool kit to listen, be a Light and a Love, and to not react in any way that might escalate the passive aggressiveness or socially difficult behaviors, i.e. public loudness, opposition, and beligerance; not cool in today's world, and downright scary to me. I do not accept this abusive type of behavior in my life, and will calmly address each situation in the moment. We are bringing Thanksgiving to the Garymama, and will have lots of pleasant distractions and entertainment in her home; but have to see the Garybro (who struggles with disorganized schizophrenia) in a neutral public place, due to past restraining orders and outbursts. Literally thank God for my chosen family, and all of the Lights and Loves that keep me laughing and carrying on with a smile! All the healthy things are in place. I can do hard things, and my goal is to be who I am needed to be, to the needy, and to be fully present face-to-face instead of escaping electronically or retreating to study music. Truly, it's all good!

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

Safe travels, Jeanne! Today I do all I can to get ready for tomorrow. It will be a smaller Thanksgiving than normal, around 25 people, and I'm looking forward to that. Only one child, which is going to be odd because usually we have a bunch of kids running around. It is going to be a great day!

  deb Replied:

Jeanne ~ I hope your trip to see relatives who sound less than positive to be around goes as well as possible. You have a great attitude about facing what sounds to be an unpleasant situation. I hope all goes well ~ Happy Thanksgiving to you! And Lyn ~ here's to a stress free and Happy Thanksgiving for you & your family. 25 doesn't sound smaller to me! LOL

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Thank you, Lyn and Deb! Everything's gonna be all right.

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