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100 Days Program Day 94: Three columns of weight loss

Jeanne- CE!

Good ideas. I came to this same realization when I realized that taking "weekends off" couldn't work because it was actually almost half of the week, but at least it was a start. Even taking one day off was still 1/7 of the week, so I pared it down to one meal or maybe even one item most of the time. Even more important was being on a plan that I wasn't looking for ways to get off of; kind of like the idea of having a good enough home life that you don't need vacations to escape it. Now I stay on my plan almost all of the time, but there's a lot of wiggle room.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

This is exactly how I rate my green, yellow and red dot days here.

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