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Medical screenings


In the month of May, I schedule all my medical screenings. So... what regular screenings do you schedule and are you up to date? Screenings save lives. Don't forget to take care of YOU.

  Sandy Replied:

I have my mammogram, gyno and wellness visit all scheduled. The wellness visit will also include scheduling my lipid panel to check cholesterol etc. My hope is that the 15 pounds I've lost will help those numbers. I just saw my eye doctor and my twice/year dental cleaning is in June. I'm up to date on everything! Hurrah!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

I keep up with gyn every year, ma'am-o-gram, and lots of dental monitoring. I have the blessing of a chosen family member, Tim, who is an amazing holistic chiropractor who is gifted in the world of natural healing but also recommends conventional med intervention as needed. He monitors my bloodwork and nutrition in addition to chiropractic adjustments.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

When I was on birth control I did my gyno visits right on time so I could get my refills. Now that those days are behind I have become lax about it. I'm probably also due for a mammo so I should get on that. Once we're done with all this house stuff I'll take care of it. Thanks for the reminder!

  Time Out (Alex) 💋 Replied:

Dental, every 6 months.

Everything else I've been horrible. I don't remember the last time I had blood work done, I think it was 14 years ago. Gyno they kept cancelling my appt. during Covid and I just gave up and that goes with mam. I'm supposed to get it every year too due to family history. I guess I need to make a new appt., hunh!

Sandy you are amazing!
Good job Jeanne!
Lyn, you and I need to get better!

  deb Replied: OBGYN office just texted & emailed me that I am due for a pin office visit & mammogram. I will call them soon. I am usually pretty good about those appointments and usually every 6 months for the dentist. I am thinking of changing dentists however so I may not be able to get in right away. Blood work is usually once/year but since my heart surgery 8 weeks ago I have been poked & prodded a lot!

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.