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What is your body telling you?

Jeanne- CE!

My body is telling me to get more rest each night, to do more yoga, and to always have healthy snacks with me.

I do insist on a minimum of 7 hrs rest each night, but I need more. It doesn't matter how few hours others get by on; I need more and will give my body what it is asking for.

I got busy this week: I am end-of-the-school-year teacher tired, and back to music rehearsals that I love but take time and energy. I need more fresh fruit on hand, and easy protein snacks. I will give my body what it is asking for.

These days I am almost always on plan, so anything less than wellness supporting choices will not do. When I don't listen to my body, it slowly slowly transitions from ill at ease to dis-ease, i.e. disease. If I don't listen, my body, it will retaliate in some way. I will give my body what it is asking for, while it is still whispering.

  Time Out (Alex) 💋 Replied:

I too need 7hrs. When I get less, I just don't feel the same, I'm more sluggish, moody and I don't lose weight, or maintain. I'm really trying to work hard on the sleeping, as it's the hardest thing to accomplish, with 3 teens in the house, working, cooking, exercising, I tend to wake up early and go to bed later than I would like. Trying.

I'm staying on plan most days and I feel so much better for it. The minute I put something in my body that I shouldn't have, I can feel the difference in energy. It's better to eat healthier all the way around.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

My body is telling me to step back on my yoga mat. That I've been doing too much heavy lifting. That I've not had enough down time this month. That I need to work on getting better sleep. That I feel so much better without processed foods.

We really need to have everything done at the house before the final walkthrough on the 3rd so at that point I will be able to relax a bit more. Start to work on my garden here at a normal and enjoyable pace. Step on my yoga mat and enjoy what it gives me. Hopefully sleep like a normal human.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Self care is so important! If I don't spend attention, time, and energy pro-actively on my wellness, I will end up spending time on illness, which is such a bummer!

It is easier to power through with self neglect in your 50s or younger. I am so glad to have arrived at a healthy weight in WW almost 25 years ago, despite then repeatedly gaining and losing 15-20 lbs until arriving at goal here at SYD in 2010. It's a journey of ups and downs though, and with more practice, the better it goes, and the fewer and further between the blips on the wellness radar. It is SO worth being in a healthy goal weight range, for all the reasons you want and can imagine! I so want this for everyone, because it is such a game changer!

Now that my age begins with a 6, I am seeing my peers take ill and even die of causes that could have been prevented. In my hs graduating class of 250ish, probably at least 10 have died in the past year (only one of covid that I know). Before that, the only deaths were accidents or some untimely occurrence. My negative examples in life have become joyful positives that have actually risen to serve as powerful motivators to do everything I can to live a life of wellness. I spent my childhood and young adulthood surrounded by family members whose lot in life I knew did not want for myself, which motivated me to do everything I could to break that cycle.

Please understand that I judge no one but myself; but if you are still struggling with obesity and health issues related to lifestyle choices, and still doing what you've always done and getting what you've always gotten, I lovingly ask that you take your wellness seriously, a day, meal, or choice at a time. It is not easy to do, but do it anyway, please-- if not for yourself then for your loved ones for starters. You are so worth being treated by others and yourself as the treasure that you are.

  Thulz ❤️ Replied:

That last paragraph hit me right in the feels Jeanne. The way the truth normally does.
I'm one of the few here that is in the dangerously obese category and I see how it affects every part of my life. Sometimes I wonder what's worse: being oblivious, not trying and going YOLO or trying, failing and getting up to try again a bazillion times.
Sometimes I feel like the trying and failing is causing more damage.
But at the same time I've learnt a lot about my body in the process.
I'm also starting to Fail Forward.

Sometimes I feel bad that all I talk about when I'm on here is weight related but then I remind myself that, that is a huge part of my life right now and also this site is called Start Your Diet and it is a safe space that helps me work thru my thoughts in a way I wouldn't safely be able to in any other place...except my journal of course

But I know my success is INEVITABLE. And when I do succeed this time it will stick because I now understand that the work has nothing to do with calories but everything to do with my mindset.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Thulz, I see you as Light and Love.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

...not exactly a light bulb kind of light though, bhahahahaha!

  Time Out (Alex) 💋 Replied:

This is a safe place, and you know we all work hard, no matter how many times we fall. Unfortunately, I gained back some weight and I'm trying to lose it again; however, I know I'm not judged here.

I agree with you Jeanne, that's why I want to lose it now at 47 so I don't have issues later on. I'm getting there slowly, just a little bump.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.