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Skin care products


I believe wellness regards the entire human. I call SYD my wellness site rather than my weight loss site because I see it as meeting my needs in so many ways. For that reason, I am asking what you do to maintain your skin.

  Sandy Replied:

I have used moisturizer daily since high school. I had problem skin as a teen and ended up on Retin-A due to cycstic acne. That's probably why I care so much about skin care. I have washed my face with Neutrogena soap since 8th grade and I continue to do so. I am very sensitive to cleansers and it works the best for me. I recently switched moisturizer products though. I really like the products I am using right now but it is a lot of steps and the cost is quite high. What do you use on your face or do you just cleanse and go?

  deb Replied:

I have been using Lancome skin care products on my face for probably 20 years. Yes, it is expensive, but as the commercial once said, "I'm worth i!" I use their Renergie lift day cream (with 30 SPF sunscreen and Renergie night cream. I also use the Génifique Face serum twice/day. I use their Tonique re-hydrating toner & sometimes a creamy cleanser (I forget the name). Wow! Reading that, it sounds like A LOT, but it has worked for me and it's one of my indulgences. I also NEVER go outside without sunscreen. After saying all that, and not to sound vain, but when I look at a lot of my friends skin, I think I look younger! Maybe it's all in my imagination!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

I look online for natural things that I can do at home, for various needs. I do have very sensitive skin. My face likes ordinary ph balanced soap, argan oil, and I have found several things that my skin likes in the Acure line. Read those labels, though. Whatever is on your skin ends up in your body.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

I make sure to use natural and cruelty free products. I like Acure too! Delia Organics, 100% Pure, Skin Owl, Andalou Naturals and Derma-E are some of the brands I use. Of course, everyone's skin is different so what works for me may not work for someone else. I don't have a specific routine, I have a couple subscription boxes so I always have a million different products and I randomly switch around. Although, as I'm getting older I'm trying to be a little more consistent with making sure I actually do use some of these products instead of doing nothing. Also, sunscreen is a must! (I use Beauty by Earth because it disappears into my skin instead of making me look like a corpse.)

  Sandy Replied:

I agree that sunscreen is essential but I didn't when I was younger. Growing up working the farm, I got lots of sun every day in the summer. I never did tanning either outside or in tanning beds though so that helps.

Interestingly my makeup artist told me to be sure to use sunscreen on my eyebrows so that the tattooing would last longer. I wouldn't have thought of that.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

It's like they say...the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now. Same applies to sunscreen! Should have started using it when I was young but at least I know better now.

  deb Replied:

I sunbathed as a teenager....even did the baby oil & iodine thing! Oh My! My mother always told me and my sisters we shouldn't be doing it but did we listen? I have done the fluorouracil cream on my sun damaged face twice and it is NOT fun! I have not gone outside without sunscreen for over 20 years. And I do not sun bathe. I will have to look into some of the more natural products that Lyn & Jeanne have mentioned.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

I did the baby oil thing too! Luckily I stopped that when I was still pretty young. My mother in law LOVED the sun, sat out in it all day every day, right up til the end. I will never forget when she got cataract surgery and she got so much vision back, she was living in the back house with us, I came over to bring her a coffee and she walked out of the bathroom and said, in the most serious and surprised voice...I thought I looked better than this! LOL

  Sandy Replied:

I remember having the farmer tan... we wore long sleeves bailing hay but otherwise were in tshirts and jeans most days so our legs were really white. My girlfriends would go to the beach and tan but I was always embarassed to put on a swim suit and show my white legs and body. I guess that saved me some but my face was always very tan. In college I worked several jobs so there wasn't much time to lay around in the sun. LOL

My friend, Pam, still uses the tanning bed at the fitness center. I can't believe she does it. Her skin, especially on her face, is so leathery looking. I don't know if she even moisturizes. But two of my sisters have beautiful skin and they do nothing to keep it that way. That is genetics because my mother had that skin too... small pores and beautiful complexion.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

My husbands niece goes to the tanning bed all the time, she is literally orange and leathery. I can not for the life of me understand why she does it. Can she not see it?

  MandyCPhoto Replied:

I generally use whatever is a reasonable brand that may be on offer as my facial moisturiser. Currently it's actually Aldi but it has very good reviews.

I use coconut oil to remove my make up (melt a small amounts in my hands, massage into the skin and then remove with a hot flannel/wash cloth). I have been doing that for years now and don't think i look bad for my age.

I also use coconut oil as an all over moisturiser when i get out of the shower.
I am so rubbish with SPF and tend to only use when i'm going to be out in the sun and it's "hot" though i know the UVA/B can even get you in the winter. Thing is i am naturally very fair and i've burnt enough now to know what i should do!
Country girl here too, grew up on the farm, riding horses, baling hay and taking care of cows. I think when i was younger it never occourred to me

  Sandy Replied:

Mandy I hadn't thought of using coconut oil. My feet get so dry in our harsh winters. I think I will try coconut oil on them. Thanks for the idea.... fellow farm girl! We didn't have time to think about sun damage back then. It just wasn't a big deal!

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

My son's dog has dry skin issues in the winter and gets scabs and open sores. I used coconut oil on it and they completely went away. And fast, I was shocked!

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