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I am doing guided meditation to fall asleep at night. Does anyone have any good FREE or inexpensive apps for this? I want to use lavender oils & meditation to get a good, restful sleep each night.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

Insight Timer is my favorite meditation app. They have all kinds of options and settings, you can search for meditations based on what you want (although they changed the search feature and I don't like it as well as before). You can save favorites and set sleep modes. There is a paid and free version, I've had both so I'm not sure what you miss out on for the free but I went back to free so I'm guessing you don't miss much. LOL. Worth a try! I like to search and listen a while before I'm actually meditating because some of them kind of bug me so I can make sure I find one I like before starting.

  Sandy Replied:

Thanks Lyn... that's been my exact problem. I can't fall asleep listening to birds and frogs because my mind wants to identify which creature is making the noise! LOL I am definitely going to try it because it's working for me. I seem to fall asleep easier and sleep better when I meditate both during the day and just before sleeping.

  Time Out (Alex) 💋 Replied:

Our fitbits also have some meditation clips for the paid version and they are pretty good too. I did one meditation while walking and that was pretty good too. They have all different kind (sleeping, waking up, relaxing, etc.) and different time too.

  Sandy Replied:

Thanks for the reminder Alex. I have used those too.

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