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What is your sleep routine? Do you watch tv, have a noise machine, fan, total darkness, read, count to 100, imagine yourself floating on a cloud?????

  Sandy Replied:

My old routine was to have the tv on with a timer so that it would go off when I fell asleep. Now I listen to a guided meditation and relax with that. My fitbit tells me that I'm sleeping way better and I do feel much more rested in the morning. I have very few nights when it doesn't work and I can't fall asleep.

  deb Replied:

I definitely have a routine....I usually watch about 30-60 minutes of a recorded show. It is usually something mindless on HGTV - very predictable & no bad news. I have to wear wrist braces at night for my carpal tunnel, so those go on. I also wear earplugs so I can block out some of my husband's snoring. I also run an air purifier which puts out "white noise". I probably should wear a mouth guard to prevent grinding of my teeth but with everything else I have to wear I just can't add something else! Lol

  Diane Replied:

I try to get in bed by 10. I sleep with a sound machine on. I do better when I read before bed but I don't always do that. I have found that I am waking up several times per night and I don't feel rested in the am.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

I have always been a good sleeper. When my sleep is off, it is because I have chosen to burn the candle at both ends- still a work in progress; I must have FOMO, lol! In the evenings, I try not to stir up new correspondence, or focus on anything stressfull, negative, or unresolved if I can help it. I like to deep breathe and stretch and do a few simple yoga poses before going to bed. I like a quiet, dark room for sleep, without fans or noisemakers.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

Gosh, I wish I was as in good of a place with sleep as you all. There are times I sleep fine. But there are times my mind just whirls and I can't stop the chatter which means I don't sleep. When that happens I put on headphones and put on something interesting enough to drown out the inner dialogue but boring enough that I don't feel compelled to stay awake to hear the end.

  Diane Replied:

I am trying something new tonight. I did yoga and I feel very relaxed. It was basic yoga poses stretching. I am going to read for a bit and get tired.

  Sandy Replied:

Lots of great suggestions. I do find that in order to lose weight I must get good sleep... and that doesn't always mean the length of sleep as much as the quality of that sleep. I get monkey brain and no matter what I do I can't seem to stop my mind from jumping from one thought to the next. That is my biggest frustration!

  Diane Replied:

I can report that I did stretches last night before bed then I read a book for about an hour and I slept the best I have slept in a while.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

My husband has to cut off the screen interaction at a certain time in order to sleep well. He conks right out when he gets in bed, but cannot sleep long enough when he's had too much screen time right before bed.

  Diane Replied:

I believe that to be true Jeanne. Megan's dr said that to us one time. Cut out tv/phone/ipad at least 1 hr before bed or two hours before bed to sleep your best.

  Sue Ellen Replied:

My sleep routine is ordered by our 16 year old Beagle taking her into bed around 7PM. My husband and I then in bed watch TV, until he falls asleep and I stay up a little longer. Then when lights out, I PRAY myself to sleep, thanking God for the day, praying for others needs and for the next day. A relaxing way to fall asleep.

  Sandy Replied:

Sue Ellen what a sweet post. I can just picture you, your husband and your beagle in bed all cozy! I had a beagle, fox hound mix when I was a kid. And praying yourself to sleep with thanks... beyond wonderful. Good for you. I find my evening prayers get me riled up as I also give thanks but ask for grace for others and the world. Maybe I need to limit those prayers to my morning talks with God.

  Sue Ellen Replied:

Thanks Sandy. Appreciate your kind words.

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